Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 2, April 1907. Cover features a photograph of a good type of Holstein Cow showing good udder and digestive capacity. Cover story: McCleod County Meeting, Knee Deep Mud Does Not Dampen Dairy Enthusiasm.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 6, August 1907. Cover features a photograph of Highlawn Farm in Auburn, Massachusetts, the farm home of F. P. Knowles of Worcester, Mass. Cover story: 50,000 Tons of Butter, Minnesota Creameries Made This Vast Amount of Butter During Year Ending July 31, 1907.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 10, December 1907. Cover features the program for the Minnesota State Dairymen's Association 30th Annual Convention at Northfield, Minnesota January 21-23, 1908. Cover story: A Great Dairy State, Four Hundred Million Dollars Spent Annually for Nation's Butter, How Minnesota Stands, by W. W. Wall.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 12, February 1908. Cover features a photograph of Dinah Pauline, a cow that made 19.98 pounds of butter in seven days. Cover story: Annual Convention of Minnesota State Dairyman's Association for Nineteen Hundred and Eight.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 11, January 1908. Cover features a photograph of Paul Soldine DeKol, the first-prize aged sire at the National Dairy Show in Chicago in 1907, owned by F. P. Knowles of Auburn, Mass. Cover story: Testing the Herd, by Lucien A. Sweet.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 5, July 1907. Cover features photographs of floats and the parade at the Annual Dairymen's Picnic at Hutchinson, Minn. Cover story: About Poultry Raising, Editorial Experiences While Visiting in the East.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 4, June 1907. Cover features a photograph of a model dairy cow, showing udder and vein development, property of Max Miller of Herkimer, N. Y. Cover story: The Syracuse Meeting, President of National Association of Holstein-Friesian Breeders Speaks, address by O. U. Kellogg.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 1, March 1907. Cover features a photograph of the first-prize Plymouth Rock Cockrel owned by John G. Gemundson of Nerstrand. Cover story: ""Detroit Physician Writes, Some Pointed Arguments in Favor of Good Wholesome Milk,"" by Arthur E. Gue, M.D., of Detroit, Michigan.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 3, May 1907. Cover features a photograph of Colantha 4th Johanna, the world's record butter cow, owned by W. J. Gillett of Rosendale, Wis. Cover story: Expensive Proposition, Minnesota Farmers Being Urged to Make a New Breed of Dairy Cattle.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 9, November, 1907. Cover features a photograph of pure-bred Holstein calves being judged at a Northfield, Minnesota fair on September 30th. Cover story: Federal Education, Congressman Davis of Third District Makes Speech to Farmers Congress, address by Davis to National Farmers Congress ast Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 8, October 1907. Cover features a photograph of the first prize Dutch Belted Cow at the National Dairy Show. Cover story: The Dairy Paper, Its Value to the Dairyman and the Average Farmer, address by N. P. Hull to Michigan State Dairyman's Association.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. II, No. 7, September 1907. Cover features a photograph of Canary Mercedes' Son, 32954, owned by F. P. Knowles, Auburn, Mass. Cover story: Butter at the State Fair, Splendid Display in the New Dairy Building of High Scoring.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1906. Cover features a portrait of Hon. Willet M. Hays, Assistant Secretary Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Cover story, by ???? ""Hays: The Laws of Breeding,"" on the breeding of plants and animals.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. I, No. 6, August 1906. Cover features photographs of the Dairy Hall at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds, and the Mammoth Live Stock Amphitheater at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds, to be dedicated on the Opening Day Monday, Sept. 3, 1906. Cover story: ""The Care of Milk,"" written by President [L A.] Sweet of the State Dairy Association.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. I, No. 10, December 1906. Cover features a photograph displaying silver cups won by F.P. Knowles of Auburn, Mass., at the Brockton, Mass., fair. Cover story: ""The Food Value of Cheese, How This Splendid Product of the Dairy Compares with Meats.""
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. I, No. 12, February 1907. Cover features a portrait of F.H. Scribner of Rosendale, Wis. Issue reviews convention of Minnesota State Dairymen at Owatonna. Cover story: ""Breeding of Dairy Cows,"" by F. H. Scribner.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. I, No. 11, January 1907. Cover features Dr. M.B. Wood of Mankato, Minn., a friend of the Guernseys. Cover story: ""Quality and Quantity, Address of Hon. E.K. Slater at Agricultural Gathering in Minneapolis""
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. I, No. 5, July 1906. Cover features a portrait of Prof. W.J. Frazer, University of Illinois, Superintendent Dairy Division, Urbana, Illinois. Cover story, by Frazer: Which Kind Do You Keep? Farmers and Dairymen Should Answer Above Question for Themselves.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. I, No. 4, June 1906. Cover features a photograph of William F. Schilling holding a milk pail and a milking stool: ""Editor of Heatwole's Dairy Paper, The only editor of a dairy paper in America who practices what he preaches."" Cover story: Holstein-Friesian Cattle, A Brief History of the Breed and Individual Records.
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. I, No. 1, March 1906. Cover features a portrait of Prof. T.L. Harker, Minnesota's Greatest Dairyman. Main story is by Prof. L T. Haecker: ""Dairy Cow Rations, Economical Feeding for Milk Production.""
Heatwole's Dairy Paper, Vol. 1, No. 3, May 1906. Cover features a portrait of Chas. W. Wood, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. Cover story: ""Purity of Standard: A Massachusetts Attorney Hits the Nail Squarely on the Head,"" address delivered by Wood to the Worcester County Harvest Club.