A aerial view of Forest and Union Street in Mora, Minnesota capturing the Feed Mill, Creamery, Coop gas Station, Post Office until 1996, Theater, Antiques Shop, Sundstrong Drugstore, Anthony's Hardware, and Stalkes Clothing Store.
Former Minnesota Vikings player Karl Kassulke, resident manager Brian Johnsen, and others celebrate following the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Meridian Apartments. The 39-unit Meridian Apartments, developed by United Cerebral Palsy, opened in Duluth in 1978 and offered barrier-free living for people with disabilities.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library, Northeast Minnesota Historical Collections
"Mrs. Margaret A. Norton, 1912 Lyndale Avenue South, is pictured coloring slides in the Minneapolis Public Library Art Department. Making and coloring of slides is now part of the library WPA project. WPA workers have made 7,500 slides in recent years. In 1938, the lilbrary circulated 106,729 slides free."
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
The vested Basilica Boys' Choir stands and sings carols before the 5:00 a.m. Mass on Christmas morning. Choir director and organist George Bussman plays a small portable organ just outside the sacristy rail. Boys pictured include: Tommy Hendricks, Martin Strong, Tom Bennett, Danny Stone, and Laird Miller.
Front exterior is hung with multiple banners. A number of Congress events were held at the church, and rector Father James M. Reardon was General Chairman of the event.
Macalester men's basketball team in street clothes with suitcases, outside of Old Main: Watkins (manager), Holley, Welshons, Coach Burgess, Brownlee, Baldwin, Phillips, and Campbell.
Blair Johnsen, resident manager at the Meridian Apartments, raises his arms as he rolls through a paper banner at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Meridian Apartments. The 39-unit Meridian Apartments, developed by United Cerebral Palsy, opened in Duluth in 1978 and offered barrier-free living for people with disabilities.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library, Northeast Minnesota Historical Collections
Brownie Girl Scouts cooking their lunch over a buddy burners. Participants left to right are Kathryn Davies, Mary Lou Juenemann, Gretchen Krueger, and Judy Olin
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
Brownie Girl Scouts handing their tickets to the conductor for a train ride from St. Paul to Minneapolis on the Zephar. Pictured left to right are: Ernest A. Walker, Sally Davis, Janie Davis, Ann Seifert, and Jacqueline Lux.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
"Our Own and Other Lands" was the theme for this Brownie Girl Scout troop. Dolls are dressed to represent the countries they studied. Pictured Celeste Heywood, Margaret Dunn, and Faith Hammond.
Contributing Institution:
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
A note on the back of the photo reads, " The business and municipal branch of the public library, 508 Second Avenue South, is a haven for business men and women who are too busy to hurry off to the main library to get help with their problems. R. E. Raymond, right is one of score of persons who drop in to receive the experienced at of Miss Maud Briggs (center) and Dorothy Ware (at left).
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library