This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
Ronald Youngblood lecture recorded during Founders Week, February 1-5, 1971. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written transcript is the basic text of the sermon; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
Millard J. Erickson lecture recorded during Founders Week, February 1-5, 1971. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written transcript is the basic text of the sermon; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
W. Robert Smith lecture recorded during Founders Week, February 19-23, 1962. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written transcript is the basic text of the sermon; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
Earl D. Radmacher lecture recorded during Founders Week, February 1-5, 1971. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written transcript is the basic text of the sermon; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
Malcolm R. Cronk lecture recorded during Founders Week, February 18-22, 1963. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written transcript is the basic text of the sermon; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
Sven G. V. Ohm lecture recorded during Founders Week, February 1-5, 1971. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written transcript is the basic text of the sermon; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
V. Elving Anderson lecture recorded during Founders Week, February 1-5, 1971. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written transcript is the basic text of the sermon; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
This lecture is part of a series of lectures presented during Bethel University's Founders Week. The annual Founders Week conference centered around a contemporary theme. Invited speakers engaged the theme from divergent perspectives to an audience of pastors, laypersons, and Bethel college and seminary students. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written trasncript is the base test of the lecture; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.
G. Aiken Taylor lecture recorded during Founders Week, February 1-5, 1971. Note: The written transcript which accompanies this audio recording varies from the audio file. This written transcript is the basic text of the sermon; but slight variances in speech patterns and language will be found in the audio recording.