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60126. Myrtle Huntley and Kenneth Boyd, Winona, Minnesota

60127. Myrtle Huntley, Wilfred Sebo, Mr. Burlingam, and Mr. Burns, Winona, Minnesota

60128. Myrtle Molter standing in front of a house, unknown location

60129. Near the old swimming hole, Beaver Creek, Minnesota

60130. Near the Springs on Big Stone Lake, Ortonville, Minnesota

60131. Nebs (dog), Bill Berglund, original owner of the Isle of Pines Resort and Dorothy Molter at Point Cabin, Isle of Pines, Knife Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Minnesota

60132. Neeg Lub Cev Zeej Txhiaj (The Human Body, Heart, Liver etc.)

60133. Newsletter of Unity Church Unitarian, St. Paul, Minnesota

60134. Nicholas Seffinger in the library, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota

60135. Nine people picnicking by railroad bridge, Big Stone County, Minnesota

60136. Northern Pacific Railroad train derailment, Blue Earth County, Minnesota

60137. Northern Pacific train derailment, Blue Earth County, Minnesota

60138. Northfield Bridge, Northfield, Minnesota

60139. Norton family portrait, Big Stone County, Minnesota

60140. Norwegian Church, Jackson, Minnesota

60141. Norwegian Ladies Aid Society, Tordenskjold Township, Minnesota

60142. Number 1540, Application for Permit for Addition, Alterations and Repairs to Frame Building, Stillwater, Minnesota

60143. Number 1538 (B), Application for Permit and Detailed Statement of Specifications for New Frame Building, Stillwater, Minnesota

60144. Oakwood Cemetery grounds crew, Rochester, Minnesota

60145. Okanbena Tire and Repair Shop, Okabena, Minnesota

60146. Old Log School House, Mankato, Minnesota

60147. Old Main, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota

60148. Old School building, Ortonville, Minnesota

60149. Opdal Church, Sacred Heart, Minnesota

60150. Ortonville band on the Courthouse steps, Ortonville, Minnesota