This scrapbook has a wooden face and back, with hinges that open the front cover. Inside are pictures of the Student Representative Council leaders (Ken Thielen, President - Sheet Metal; Debbie Klimstra, Secretary - Practical Nursing; John Huhn, Vice President - Cook Chief; Rick LeNoue, Parlimentarian - Accounting). Pictures include a party for Campus Director Ed Hill, students working in the bricklaying program, the north campus dedication and open house on June 10, 1973, Student Senate agenda and meeting minutes from May 23, 1973, student social and ping pong tournment.
The scrapbook holds correspondence, news clippings, photographs of students with short statements and art work by them. Sight saving classes began in 1913 to accommodate children with partial vision. Ely School, of Duluth public schools, began in 1919 at Jefferson School.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library, Northeast Minnesota Historical Collections
This large ledger appears to have served as a record of the business printing work that was done by the St. Peter Tribune newspaper. The Tribune was published from 1860 until 1920. Most of the material in this ledger was printed during the 1870s. Business cards, letterheads from business foms, tickets to various social functions and announcements for them, and standardized forms for use in courthouses, schools, and the St. Peter State Hospital can all be found in the ledger. Most of the material concerns Nicollet County, but other counties are also represented. Among them are Brown County, Le Sueur County, and Renville County. Available records indicate that the ledger became the property of the St. Peter Herald newspaper sometime after the Tribune ceased publication. Eventually, the ledger was donated to the Nicollet County Historical Society.
Duluth State Normal School scrapbook covering 1907 - 1914. The scrapbook was compiled by Normal School Librarian Ruth Ely. It includes news clippings, photographic prints, brochures, programs, printed invitations to formal campus events, handwritten invitations to informal student events, and school day schedules. Some photographs by Duluth photographer Hugh McKenzie.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Duluth Kathryn A. Martin Library, University Archives
Duluth State Normal School scrapbook covering 1901 - 1907. The scrapbook was compiled by Normal School Librarian Katherine W. Ensign. It includes news clippings, photographic prints, brochures, programs, printed invitations to formal campus events, handwritten invitations to informal student events, and school day schedules.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Duluth Kathryn A. Martin Library, University Archives
State Normal School Duluth, Minnesota; State Teachers College at Duluth, Minnesota
Date Created:
Duluth State Normal School scrapbook covering 1915 - 1921. The scrapbook was compiled by Normal School Librarian Ruth Ely. It includes news clippings, photographic prints, brochures, programs, printed invitations to formal campus events, handwritten invitations to informal student events, and school day schedules. Some photographs by Duluth photographer Hugh McKenzie.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Duluth Kathryn A. Martin Library, University Archives
Class of 1996, top to bottom: Blaine Dulas, Russell (Rusty) Mares, Jayme Jansick, Ezra Kazee, Rosa Reinert. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1995 composite, counter clockwise from top : Todd Adler, Michael (Mike) Wheeler, Jeffery (Jeff) Siedschlag, Richard (Rick) Moses, Darin Long, Kjersten Linkletter, Louise Goelz, Angela Eighner, Shelly Becker. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1994 composite, clockwise from upper left: Eric Mathiowetz, Heather Hall, Karina Degen, Wendy Szymczak, Paul Peterson, Spring Reisner, Sarah Dulas, Sarah May. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.