This folded brochure features advertisements for local businesses, including their addresses and phone numbers. It also has three maps: Downtown Minneapolis, the Twin Cities, and Minneapolis and Suburban Areas.
The minutes of a special meeting of the Winona Library Association to certify and adopt the City resolution to create a free public library in Winona. The minutes include attached local newspaper clippings related to the resolution.
Board of Directors, Winona Library Association, Winona, Minnesota
Date Created:
A hand-written note stating that Miss Jennie (Jeannette) Clarke has been unanimously elected to serve as librarian of the Winona Library Association. Clarke succeeds Mrs. A. G. Fockens, and will serve in this capacity at the Winona Public Library for 50 years, resigning in 1935.
Thon, Nathan K., illustrator; Enger, Purl M., illustrator
Date Created:
A book of plat maps showing the twenty townships of Mower County, Minnesota. Each map contains the landowners' names, plot of land in acres, and relevant landmarks.
United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey; State of Minnesota, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission
Date Created:
Nashwauk quadrangle topographic map (N4722.5-W9307.5/7.5) featuring handwritten notations by Ray Segar in pencil and red ink regarding logging railroad lines and camps. The hand written notations include information on the following: logging camps noted with ‘C’.
Keyes, D. W.; Mitchell, William B., 1832-1900; Benson, Charles; Young Men's Library Association, Winona, Minnesota
Date Created:
Newspaper clippings that advertise the Young Men's Library Association Course of Lectures for 1867 in Winona, Minnesota. Scheduled to appear were Ralph Waldo Emerson, Professor Edward Youmans, Theodore Tilton, General Henry Sibley, Frederick Douglass, and Wendell Phillips.
Operators at the New Sweden Telephone Exchange used this switchboard while they served their customers. The exchange was located in New Sweden, Minnesota.
Gay, J. F.; Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company, Winona, Minnesota
Date Created:
A letter from the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to Fred S. Bell, Winona Free Public Library, regarding the offer of free telephone service for the new library building.
United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey; State of Minnesota, Department of Conservation
Date Created:
Norwegian Bay quadrangle topographic map (N4752.5-W9230/7.5) featuring handwritten notations by Ray Segar in pencil and red ink regarding logging railroad lines in the Kabetogama State Forest area.
A notice of a special meeting of the Winona Library Association to consider and vote upon the transfer of all property of the Association to the City of Winona, as contemplated in the ordinance creating a Free Public Library, passed by the City Council on March 8, 1886.