KJ102 Radio Broadcast "A Look Back in Time Stories" read by Irene Olson that was written by Audrey Jenson for the Roseau County Centennial Book titled "Years Gone By"
This sound clip highlights the lives of John and Bertha Carlson, brother and sister of Wannaska. The Roseau County Historical Society prepared this radio script to share county history through broadcasts on KJ102 FM in Roseau. The topics highlight the history of Roseau County and the people that lived there. Bill Adams interviewing John Carlson and Maggi Adams interviewing Bertha, both February 1975 in the RTR.
This sound clip highlights the Soler Fire of 1910 and the near death of Tom Kelly and Edor Hagen. The Roseau County Historical Society prepared this radio script to share county history through broadcasts on KJ102 FM in Roseau. The topics highlight the history of Roseau County and the people that lived there.
A view of campus of the College of St. Thomas with Science Building and the Administration Building in the background and Lake Mennith in the foreground.
City Drug Store, South Front Street, with Doctor McMahan's Office, five men, and horse and buggy. Caption on back reads, "James Ray Tinkcom, who arrived in Mankato in 1856, operated the City Drug Store. Mr. Tinkcom studied medicine in New York before coming to Mankato and he later undertook the manufacture of certain medicines. The City Drug Store was located on the corner of Front and Hickory Streets. In the photograph above, a sign at the top of the stairway carried the name of Dr. William McMahan. It is believed the man standing at the top of the stairs is Dr. McMahan. In 1856 four doctors, Dr. Moses R. Wickersham, Dr. William R. McMahan, Dr. William F. Lewis and Dr. A. G. Dornberg, arrived in Mankato and opened offices."
Class of 1987: Connie Telschow (staff sponsor), Mel Vigesaa (staff sponsor), John W. Bahler, Michael M. Cohn, Michael Murray, Christine Klier. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1987: Blake Robran, Tyler Nelson, Evan Downing, Roger Pechacek. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years:Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1961 composite image. Graduates include: Sandra Lafave, Leonard Kaczmarek, Shirley Simonsen, Thomas ScanLan, Carol Watson, Curtiss Johnson, Verna Rust, Martin Blumenthal, Eleanor Lamirande, Paul Houghtelin. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1941 composite image. Graduates include: Donald F. P. Moriarty, Louie E. Payette, Mildred Senter, Richard Bernsdorf, Vernon J. Anderson, Myrtle Kiel,George Stimach, Robert Claason, Irene Lindenfelser, Nikoli Nelson. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1957 composite image. Graduates include: Arlene Mueller, Barbara Halstead, Marilynn Dickson, Larry Robertson, Richard Hassig. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1948 composite: Keith Overvold, Donald Gabriel, Ethel Bode, Wayne Heggestad, Earl West, Donna Drusch, Rita Heid, Lawrence Larson. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1946 composite image. Graduates include: Raymond Dressler, Robert Latvala, Gordon Bloom, Clarence Taylor. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1943 composite image. Graduates include: Victor P. Soboleski, Arthur L. Jorgenson, Ethel E. Curtis, Francis A. Stifter, LeRoy R. Jorgenson. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1949 composite image (order unknown). Graduates include: Hazel Bode, Marcella Carlson, Beverley Nelson, Shirley J Stewart. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1950 composite image (order unknown). Graduates include: Mary Haus, Jared Hedberg, Eugene Highland, Beryl Means, Harald Salmonson. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1942 composite image. Graduates include: Fred Swenson, James Robinson, Myrten Gauerke, Henry Olson. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.
Class of 1960 composite image. Graduates include: Esther Hahn, Joy Koehler, Mary Olson, Roberta Bergman, Lennis Picha, James Lukesovitz, Dorothy Sanders. Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (MSAB) has been referred to by a number of names through the years: Minnesota State Academy for the Blind (1985-present); Minnesota Braille and Sight-Saving School (1941-1985); Minnesota School for the Blind (1907-1940); Minnesota School for the Deaf and Blind (1902-1907); Minnesota Institute for the Defectives (1887-1902); Minnesota Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (1864-1887); Minnesota Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb (1863-1864). Also: Residential Academies, Institute for the Blind, Faribault School for the Blind, and Minnesota Sight-Seeing School.