Photograph of Charles M. Goodsell, the principal founder of Northfield College (later Carleton College), after whom Carleton's Goodsell Observatory was named.
Confirmation class including Anna Anderson, Hulda Johnson, Axel Johnson, Ted Anderson, Elof Hammner, the Ekstrom kids (possibly Pastor Ekstrom's children?).
District 62 Country School, Ann Township, Cottonwood County, Minnesota. Back row: Teacher, boy, girl, girl, girl, girl, Roy Gilbert, girl, girl; 3rd Row: girl, boy, Otto B. Dahlgren, Clarence Munson, girl, girl, boy, boy; second row: Albert Dahlgren, girl, girl, girl; front row sitting: girl, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, girl
Studio portrait of the Ortonville Baseball Team. On the floor: G. Culve and R. S. Norman. Seated: unknown, Hanes, unknown, Gowan. Standing: E. Larson, unknown, coach unknown, Neil Cliff.