Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, St. Croix Avenue, Lots 15, Block 5 of Wilkins. Owner: Nels Christenson, Builder: Nels Christenson.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lot 7, Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: B.F. Rice. Permit rejected on March 19, 1886..
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: George Jucks, Builder: Andrew Oleson. Permit granted on March 22, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Main Street, Block 1 of Original Town. Owner: N.W. Manufacturing and Car Company, Builder: L.W. Eldred. Permit granted on March 23, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 5, Block 24 of Original Town. Owner: A.C. Lull, Builder: E. Brown. Permit granted on March 23, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 5, Block 34 of Original Town. Owner: George Volmer, Builder: Thomas Roney. Permit granted on March 29, 1886.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Lot 8, Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: John McKusick. Permit rejected on March 29, 1886, then granted on April 3, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Water Street, Lot 8, Block 28 of Original Town. Owner: Frank Barrar, Architect: George Low, Builder: Thomas Roney. Permit granted on April 8, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 1, Block 31 of Original Town. Owner: Theo Jussoy, Architect: C.F. Struck , Builder: George Low. Permit granted on April 8, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lots 23 and 24, Block 15 of Churchill Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Robert Siebert, Builder: Robert Siebert. Permit granted on April 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, First Street, Lot 22, Block 1 of Churchill and Nelsons Second. Owner: Andrew McMahon, Builder: Michael Carroll. Permit granted on April 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Block 2 of Marshs Second. Owner: O'Neal Brothers. Permit granted on April 10, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lots 8, 9, Block 2 of Marshs Second. Owner: John Swanson. Permit granted on April 12, 1886.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Holcombe, Lot 11 and 13 Block 9 of Thompson Parker and Mowers Second. Owner: B. McSweeney, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: Wast side, Second Street, Lot 4, Block 30 of Originial Town. Owner: F. Curtiss, Builder: M. L. Hanly. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 4 and 5, Block 14 of Churchill Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: George Price, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 1 and 2, Block 12 of Original Town. Owner: Mrs. E. Lawell, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Cherry Street, Block 7 of Original Town. Owner: J. B. Sanborn, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 1, Block 16 of Original Town. Owner: Duncan Chisholm. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fifth Street, unplatted. Owner: Mrs. J. L. Anderson, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on April 16, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 11, 12, Block 4 of Churchill Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: August Jackson, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on April 16, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, between Original Town and Carli and Schulenberg. Owner: John Westergreen, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on April 16, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 6 Block 4 of Carli and Schulenberg. Owner: John Lindgren, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Ramsey Street, Lot 1, Block 1 of Webster's to North side, Ramsey Street, Lot 11 and 13, Block 9 of Thompson, Parker and Mower's Second. Granted to Northey Brothers. Permit received April 19, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Ramsey Street, Lot 11 and 13, Block 9 of Thompson, Parker and Mower's Second to elsewhere on the same lot. Granted to: Northey Brothers. Permit received April 19, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, First Street, Lot 23, Block 16 of Churchill Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Benjamin White, Builder: M. Carroll. Permit granted on April 20, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 18 and 19, Block 13 of Churchill Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: J. Sutherland, Builder: J. Sutherland. Permit granted on April 20, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Eleventh Street, Lot 6, Block 1 of Thomas. Owner: Ann Kelly, Builder: M. McGillin. Permit granted on April 22, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 5, Block 30 of Original Town. Owner: William Noonan, Architect: Stillwater. Permit granted on April 26, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 2, Block 31 of Original Town. Owner: Issac Gray, Builder: Lhas Rovey. Permit granted on April 27, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fourth Street, Lot 8, Block 5 of Churchill Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Captain George Grant, Builder: William M May. Permit granted on April 26, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Water Street, Lot 8, Block 28 of Original Town. Owner: Frank Barrer, Architect: Ted Low, Builder: Lhas Rovey. Permit granted on April 28, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 20, Block 13 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughter. Owner: J. Kilty, Builder: M. Carroll. Permit granted on April 29, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Lance Street, Block 7 of Original Town. Owner: Andrew Olson, Builder: Nels Erickson. Permit granted on May 3, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Third Street, Lots 9 and 10, Block 24 of Original Town. Owner: J. W. Schendel. Permit granted on May 5, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Third Street, Lot 25 and 26, Block 14 of Churchill Nelson and Slaugther. Owner: A. J. Orff, Builder: Simpson. Permit granted on May 8, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Hancock Street, Lot 14, Block 10 of Churchill Nelson and Slaugther. Owner: Thomas Ratigan, Builder: M. Carroll. Permit granted on May 11, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Main Street, Opposite Block 10 of Original Town. Owner: Anderson and O'Brien, Builder: D. F. Day. Permit granted on May 11, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Walnut Street, Lot 7, Block 41 of Original Town. Owner: A. H. Hathaway, Architect: A. H. Hathaway, Builder: A. H. Hathaway. Permit granted on May 12, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Lance Street, Lot 20, Block 1 of Sabins. Owner: Charles Fisher, Builder: William Bergming. Permit granted on May 13, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lot 15, Block 2 of Churchill, Nelson and Second. Owner: Uvalta Herald, Builder: M. E. Miller. Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Eleventh Street, Lot 15, Block 5 of Sabins. Owner: Frank Berglund, Builder: Carlson. Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Olive Street, Lot 4 and 5, Block 4 of Wilsons. Owner: R. W. Anderson, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sixth Street, Lot 7, Block 3 of Williams. Owner: Mrs. J. S. Anderson, Architect: August Jackson, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Broadway Street, Lot 5, Block 51 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Mrs. McGarry, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 1, Block 34. Owner: Baldwin, Builder: August Jackson . Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 2, Block 34 of Original Town. Owner: Mrs. J. A. Bates, Architect: August Jackson, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Elm Street, Lecky's proposed. Owner: L. M. Staples, Architect: L. M. Staples A. B. Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 5, Block 30 of Original City to South side, Ramsey Street of Bernheimer lot. Granted to Frank Lamay. Permit received May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Hickory Street, Lot 1, Block 16 of Staples and Mays. Owner: James P. Morse. Permit granted on May 17, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 5, Block 30 of Original Town. Owner: William Noonan, Builder: Jim Curtis. Permit granted on May 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Main Street, Lot 10, Block 28 of Staples and Mays. Owner: James P. Morse. Permit granted on May 17, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fifth Street, Lot 7, Block 37 of Original Town. Owner: Matt Clarke, Builder: William May. Permit granted on May 19, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Chestnut Street, Lot 1, Block 29 of Original Town. Owner: Mrs. H. Lepass. Permit granted on May 19, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Sherburne Street, Lot 9, Block 16 of Sabins. Owner: John Peters. Permit granted on May 23, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Greeley Street, Lot 10, Block 11 of Sabins. Owner: Orlando Lewis. Permit granted on May 24, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 4, Block 44 of Originial Town. Owner: William Willim. Permit granted on May 24, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Olive Street of French Catholic Church Lot. Owner: Frank LaMay. Permit granted on June 1, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Lance Street, Lot 13, Block 1 of Sabins. Owner: T.J. Henninger. Permit granted on June 1, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Sixth Street, N Pt, Block 1 of Thompson Parker and Mowers. Owner: J.N. Dinsmore. Permit granted on June 1, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Sycamore Street, Lot 21, Block 1 of Wilkins. Owner: J. M. Spaulding. Permit granted on June 5, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sixth Street, Lot 5, Block 4 of Williams. Owner: William Graves, Builder: Lhas Roney. Permit granted on June 25, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Wilkins Street, Lot 1, Block 11 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner:George F. Sabin, Builder: William May. Permit granted on June 7, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Martha Street, Lot 11, Block 2 of Thomas. Owner: Thomas L. Wood. Permit granted on June 7, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fifth Street, Lot 6 and 7, Block 11 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaugther. Owner: Mary Hallen. Permit granted on June 7, 1886.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Sixth Avenue, Lot 16, Block 16 of Hersey, Staples and Co's. Owner: G. Moodhe. Permit granted on June 12, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Olive Street, Lot 6, Block 30 of Original Town. Owner: Taylor and J. Sinclair. Permit granted on June 12, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Oak Street, Lot 5, Block 34 of Original Town. Owner: George Volmer, Builder: A. Krentz.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Chestnut Street, Lot 3, Block 25 of Originial Town. Owner: Martin Mower, Builder: John Green. Permit rejected on June 25, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Churchill Street, Lot 1, Block 12 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughter. Owner: Dennis Hooley. Permit granted on June 29, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, First Street, Lot 23, Block 16 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughter. Owner: Barry White. Permit granted on June 29, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Walnut Street, Lot N 50' NE 1/4, Block 46 of Original Town. Owner: L. A. Deragisch Permit granted on June 29, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Chestnut Street, Lot 25, Block 3 of Original Town. Presented by: J. N. Castle, Architect: Martin Mower. Permit rejected on July 2, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Union Alley, Lot 2, Block 25 of Original Town. Owner: H. C. Farmer, Architect: Lhos Roney, Builder: Lhos Roney. Permit granted on July 6, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Pine Street, Lot 4 of Lulls. Owner: William Long, Architect: Orff Brothers, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on July 6, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Third Street, Lot 11 and 12, Block 40 of Original Town. Owner: Mrs. D. Cover, Architect: August Jackson, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on July 6, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Lot 3, Block 42 of Original Town Owner: J. Glaspie, Builder: P. L. Flammagin. Permit granted on July 19, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 4, Block 20 of Original Town Owner: F. Curtiss. Permit granted on July 19, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Water Street, Lot 4 and 5, Block 28 of Original Town Owner: William L. Holcombe and Charles Conhain, Architect: George Low, Builder: George Low. Permit granted on July 20, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fourth Street, Lot 1, Block 16 of Staples and Mays to another location on same lot. Granted to Northey Brothers. Permit received July 22, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fourth Street, N 50' NE""4, Block 4 of Original Town Owner: William Sauntry, Builder: Lhas Roney. Permit granted on July 23, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Chestnut Street, Lot 3, Block 25 of Original Town Owner: Martin Mower agent, Builder: John Green. Permit granted on July 26, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Oak Street, Lot 5, Block 34 of Original Town. Owner: George Volmer. Permit granted on July 26, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Abbott Street, Lot 1 and 7, Block 7 of Holcombes. Owner: Peter Jerdain. Permit granted on July 28, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lot 4 and 5, Block 17 of Original Town to East side, Main Street, part of Block 17 of Original Town. Granted to E. S. Brown Receiver. Permit received July 22, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sixth Avenue, Lot 11 and 12, Block 1 of Churchill, Nelsons, Second. Owner: John Currie, Architect: Northey Brothers, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on July 30, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Hancock Street, Lot 16, Block 15 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughter. Owner: Lhas Organ. Permit granted on July 31, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Broadway Street, Lot 1, Block 15 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: C. H. Carli. Permit granted on July 31, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Third Street, Lot 6, Block 35 of Original Town. Owner: Stillwater Gas and Light Company. Permit granted by Lewis McClarke, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, First Street, Lot 1, Block 14 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: Martin Murray. Permit granted on August 2, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 4, Block 11 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: W. S Conrad, Builder: George Low. Permit granted on August 7, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fourth Street, Pt NE 1/4, Block 13 of Original Town. Owner: B. Thelan. Permit granted on August 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 5, Block 34 of Original Town. Owner: P. H. Christiansen. Permit granted on August 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fourth Street, Lot 2, Block 12 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughter. Owner: Dennis Hooley, Builder: E. Olson. Permit granted on August 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, First Street, Lot 1, Block 2 of Churchills. Owner: Ino Geary, Builder: Edward Olson. Permit granted on August 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, First Street, Lot 2, Block 2 of Churchills. Owner: Ino Geary, Builder: Edward Olson. Permit granted on August 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Martha Street, Lot 5, Block 14 of Staples and Mays. Owner: S. F. Anderson. Permit granted on August 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, NE 1/4 Block 6 of Original Town to North side, Laurel Street, Lot 24, Block 1 of Sabins. Granted to John Peterson. Permit received August 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lot 3, Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: Thon Brothers. Permit granted on August 12, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Lance Street, Pt NE 1/4, Block 6 of Original Town. Owner: George W. Seymann. Permit granted on August 13, 1886.