Audrey and Chip DeMann with man and woman (left to right) standing in front of William Archibald's grave in Dundas at the 125th Anniversary of Holy Cross Church.
Bishop von Scheele and dignitaries gathered in Rock Island, Illinois, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Swedish-American Lutheran Augustana Synod, this group includes (no. 1, at center) the Bishop of Visby, Knut Henning Gezelius von Scheele, representing the King of Sweden, (no. 2) Governor Adolph Eberhart of Minnesota, and (no. 3) Dr. Eric Norelius, of Goodhue County, Minnesota, who had been present at the founding of the Synod in 1860. Norelius was President of the Synod at the time of its jubilee.
Participants celebrating the 50 year anniversary of the first settlers in Hendricks, Minnesota. A man Is standing by a wagon pulled by a team of oxen. Four more people are dressed as a trapper and early immigrants standing next to a sod house.
Fiftieth anniversary booklet for Salem Mission Church, Duluth, Minnesota. Booklet includes a detailed history of the church up to 1940 by Erik Dahlhielm as well as candid photos of church members in and around the church. There are translucent pages with a spider web pattern after the front cover and before the back cover.
Audrey, Trip and Gus DeMann in horse-drawn carriage, with Chip DeMann on horse behind them and unidentified woman standing in front on the grass at the 125th anniversary of Holy Cross Church.