Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in Trego County, Kansas, is between Close Brothers & Company for B.A. Bateman, of England, and Jacob Wagner of Woodford County, Illinois. It is for the northeast quarter of Section 1 in Township 11 South, of Range 25 West of the sixth principal meridian. This is in Trego County, Kansas. The contract involves 160.19 acres for the sum of $1121.33 and includes a detail of payment made between October 17, 1887 and December, 1892. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
David Ramirez was born in 1936 in North Dakota, delivered by his father in a chicken coop. His parents had come to the United States in the 1920s, and the family came to Minnesota in 1936. He graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in humanities and did graduate work at the university in industrial relations. At the time of the interview he was director of the Minneapolis Civil Rights Department, in charge of La Voz, a monthly bilingual publication, a professional photographer, and producer of a radio program. Subjects discussed include: Personal history including education, the armed services, and employment - community involvement - La Voz - racial discrimination - ethnic activism in Minneapolis - and the meaning of Chicano.
Ernie Fliegel was born in Barlad, Romania, in 1904 and came to the United States in 1910 with his grandmother, mother, brother and sister. (His father was also in this country but had little contact with the family). His mother worked in a New York sweatshop to earn money for their trip to Minneapolis. Fliegel sold newspapers by age seven and later became a professional boxer. He was a contender for the featherweight championship before an eye injury forced him to retire in 1927. He became a fight promoter, traveled with Jack Dempsey and became an owner, with his friend Max Winter, of the 620 Club on Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis. He married his wife Eileen in about 1925, and they have one son, Richard. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: His childhood in Romania and Minneapolis - extreme poverty - selling newspapers, including a 1916 strike by newsboys - his amateur and professional boxing career - the 1930s Depression - bootlegging - the 620 Club - the truckers' strike of 1934 - and education. COMMENTS ON INTERVIEW: Fliegel bar mitzvahed with Edward P. Schwartz, who was also interviewed for this oral history project.
KJ102 Radio Broadcast "A Look Back in Time Stories" read by Irene Olson that was written by Audrey Jenson for the Roseau County Centennial Book titled "Years Gone By"
Mn/DOT News was a newsletter published by the Minnesota Department of Transportation as an official medium of information to correlate the work of its employees throughout the state and to stimulate dedicated and efficient public service in all transportation activities. (1995-2001).
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
Sherman, Erwin H.; Houle, George E.; Haskins, John L.; Rosenwald, John P.
Date Created:
1917-06 - 1907-08
Muster rolls for the 1st Minnesota Field Artillery Regiment Medical Corps along with rolls for Medical and Sanitary Detachments. Contains a muster roll of a detachment of men who were stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas.
View of Old Main from the street. Dirt road and wooden sidewalks are noticeable. This photograph is damaged. (This Old Main was the original building for Mankato State Normal School. It was destroyed by fire in 1922.)
Contributing Institution:
University Archives and Southern Minnesota Historical Center, Memorial Library, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Early image of the State Normal School's first buildings. The lower is the original, first used in 1860. The upper is Old Main, opened September 1, 1869.
Contributing Institution:
Winona State University, Darrell W. Krueger Library
This sound clip highlights the lives of John and Bertha Carlson, brother and sister of Wannaska. The Roseau County Historical Society prepared this radio script to share county history through broadcasts on KJ102 FM in Roseau. The topics highlight the history of Roseau County and the people that lived there. Bill Adams interviewing John Carlson and Maggi Adams interviewing Bertha, both February 1975 in the RTR.
This sound clip highlights the Soler Fire of 1910 and the near death of Tom Kelly and Edor Hagen. The Roseau County Historical Society prepared this radio script to share county history through broadcasts on KJ102 FM in Roseau. The topics highlight the history of Roseau County and the people that lived there.
A view of campus of the College of St. Thomas with Science Building and the Administration Building in the background and Lake Mennith in the foreground.
Panoramic photograph showing 10th Street and Third Avenue looking south down 10th and east down Third. State Bank of Worthington; J.J. Kies, Real estate loans and insurance; S.S. Smith, Lawyer; National Bank of Worthington; Thompson Hotel
Ole O. Sageng, representative of Otter Tail County from 1900-1921. The postcard reads, "For Congress, Senator Ole O. Sageng, 'The Man Behind the Plow.' The Farmers will stand by him, he's a brother in their toil, And they will honor their own calling, the men who till the soil; They've had enough of lawyers, as guardians of their right, And on November third, they will Ole win his fight."