Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1947-1956 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1945-1954 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1945-1954 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1913-1914 (District 62); House 1915-1916 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1913-1914 (District 62); House 1915-1916 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1971-72 (District 66B); House 1973-78 (District 2A). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
View of Robert Street in Crookston with a number of delivery wagons lining the streets. Signs advertise for a dining room, bakery, lodging and a hotel.
The Saetesdalslaget Society was founded in 1909, by people who had emmigrated from the Setesdal valley or district in Norway. They held national conventions. This photograph captured attendees at a gathering held in McIntosh, Minnesota, June 13-14, 1912.
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1935-46 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1935-46 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1935-46 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1935-46 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1903-10 (District 62). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1959-62 (District 66); Senate 1963-66 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1899-1902 (District 62); House 1917-18 (District 66); Senate 1919-22 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: House 1907-10 (District 62); Senate 1911-14 (District 62). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1947-50 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1951-62 (District 66); House 1967-70 (District 66B). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1915-18 (District 66); Senate 1923-26 (District 66); Senate 1931-34 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1915-18 (District 66); Senate 1923-26 (District 66); Senate 1931-34 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1915-18 (District 66); Senate 1923-26 (District 66); Senate 1931-34 (District 66). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1971-72 (District 66); Senate 1973-2002 (District 2). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at:
Served in the Minnesota Legislature: Senate 1971-72 (District 66); Senate 1973-2002 (District 2). For biographical information, see the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library database at: