The front side of "Minnesota Bikeways: Map 13 - North Western Minnesota" contains: a list of county, municipal, and state parks, state forests, and state rest areas covered in the map; bicycling safety tips; a map index; a "potpourri" article; inset maps of Mahnomen, Fertile, Fosston, Twin Valley, and Ada; and drawings of prairie chickens. The back side contains the larger bikeways map and a legend of signs and symbols. MnDOT's bikeway maps serve as a reference guide illustrating major historical and cultural points of interest in Minnesota, public park lands and facilities, equipment, and safety information. They also depict road analyses for bicycle travel, location of paved road shoulders and off-road bikeways, and controlled access roads where bicycles are prohibited. There are 54 maps in the Statewide Series (1979-1983), 4 maps in the Statewide Quadrant Series (1986-1993), and 2 maps in the Metro Series (1989). Legislatively mandated, these maps were prepared as convenient guides to help bicyclists select their routes. Each map is unique and signifies a historical reference to the state of bicycle facilities at the time of publication.
Contributing Institution:
Minnesota Department of Transportation, MnDOT Library
Initial and subsequent muster rolls of the 3rd Minnesota Infantry Regiment Company I, detailing the status of each man in the company as reporting for duty, sick, or absent, as well as any transfers. The record also contains a muster roll of the men as they were drafted into federal service at Camp Cody in Deming, New Mexico.
In 1968, Mark's Drug Store became Nord's Corner Drug, when Elmer Nord bought out his partnership with Donald Mark, the third generation representative of the Mark family of druggists.
The certificate records the payment of thirty-four cents in tax by the P. M. Medicine Company as a manufacturer or distributor of opium. The tax was paid on February 23, 1915 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
The photograph shows a parade on Harrison Avenue heading north (now North Johnson Avenue) with a group of women marching in the front. A line of cars follows the women. Also shown are the fronts of a lodging house, E. H. Cormontan's Drug Store, and a business called Wellen's, among others.
The postcard shows men parading down Harrison Avenue (now North Johnson Avenue) with a wagon decorated in flags and bunting in downtown Fosston. Stores lining the street include S.K. Halvorson Flour and Feed, Lyceum Opera House, and Jens Bengaard Harness, Shoes and Trunks.
Framed license from the Board of Pharmacy of the State of Minnesota, issued on March 4, 1893 certified Peter M. Mark of Fosston, Minnesota as a registered Pharmacist.
Included in the montage are pictures of the water tower (upper center), the high school (center right); Fosston Hospital (lower right), Fosston Woolen Mills (lower left), and the S.S. Stadsvold Fosston Elevator and Flouring Mills (center left). A hadwritten note on the back says, ""The village fathers and hangers on, and saloon keepers and their bartenders, as well as a few structures, about 1905 in the Village of Fosston.""
Exterior view of the P. M. Mark Medicine Company buidling in Fosston, Minnesota. Incorporated in 1905, the company was the manufacturer of Mark's Celebrated Remedies.
Narrative history of World War One activities in Polk County during World War One, and provides a photograph with a description of those in the county who fought in the war.
Studio portrait of Dr. H. Slippern who practiced medicine in Fosston, Minnesota, 1904-1909. Handwritten on the back: "Dr. Slippern, Fosston, MN. Dr. Allen Sather (Norman's father) bought Dr. Slippern's medical practice in 1909. Dr. Slippern left for Poulsbo, Wash. Died there, 1947, 84 yrs old."
Studio portrait of Dr. O.J. Tagland, DDS. He worked as a dentist in Fosston, Minnesota from 1914 to 1923, and served as a dentist in the U.S. Naval Reserves for a period in 1918.
Portrait of Professor William Robertson, early horticulturist and superintendent of the Northwest Experiment Farm, Crookston, and developer of a school of agriculture for that part of Minnesota.
Oval studio portrait of the Torgerson brothers. The portrait features hand drawn accents that call out the details of the uniforms. Handwritten label on the back: "Ted, Melvin and Otto Torgerson." Typed label reads: "Sons of Martin and Ingri Torgerson of Fosston. Serving in WW1: Tedor (Ted), Melvin and Otto."
Framed oval studio portrait with curved glass of Tena Hegland Johnson (1886-1975). The label on front of the hand-colored photograph reads, "Tina Johnson, nurse during World War 1." The label on the reverse reads: "Mrs. Tena Heglund Johnson, Fosston." Johnson served in the Army Nurse Corp in 1918 and was later a nurse at the Fosston Hospital.
Framed oval studio portrait with curved glass. The label on front of the hand-colored photograph reads, "Vernon Johnson." Handwritten label on the back: "Vern Johnson, Fosston."