Letter written from Excelsior, Minnesota, regarding Lewis' excitement over receiving letters from Powers and his upcoming trip to visit her in New York.
Letter written from Excelsior, Minnesota, regarding Lewis' upcoming trip to New York. Lewis also discusses writing he is working on, one being a short piece on Hollywood for Motion Picture Magazine.
Letter written from the Gateway Lodge, Grand Marais, Minnesota, regarding Lewis' trip to the North Shore. Lewis also discusses writing his short story, "All Wives are Angels."
Letter written from the Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles, California, regarding Lewis' social life and work in the motion picture industry. Lewis also discusses his upcoming lecture tour.
Letter written from the Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles, California, in which Lewis relays a "Hollywood story" to Powers about L. B. Mayer's brother and his job at MGM.
Letter written from the Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles, California, regarding Lewis' social life and work in the motion picture industry. Lewis also discusses his short story, "Green Eyes," which appeared in the magazine Cosmopolitan.
Letter written from the Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles, California, regarding Lewis' upcoming visit to New York and the Hollywood parties and dinners that he has been attending.
Letter written from the Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles, California, in which Lewis encourages Powers to continue writing and to try to publish something with the New Yorker magazine.
Letter written from the Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles, California, in which Lewis discusses the mink coat the he is thinking of buying for Powers. He also discusses giving a lecture to a Yiddish Kulturbund.