Charley Cedarblade and his daughter Myrtle in a horse and buggy parked 3rd Avenue by the courthouse square. This was right in front of Buchan's Photograph Studio on 3rd Avenue, Worthington, Minnesota. Courthouse and 10th street are visible in the background.
View of the four hitch tanker wagon used for kerosene delivery with two men on it. The caption on the back of the photograph reads, "Delivering to surrounding town by Mr. Henry Boyer and Ed Jenkins of Round Lake, Round Lake School house in background."
Erastus Church with a vegetable wagon and a white horse. Erastus Church was a colorful Worthington character who peddled vegetables, picked up junk and distinguished himself by having a street named in his honor, because he lived on that street. The photograph is dated September 26, 1900. Poster in the window promotes the candidacy of William McKinley over William Jennings Bryan. It proclaims: "McKinley was right in 1896." Note: This information taken from a newspaper article with same picture, in the Worthington Centennial July 22, 1972. We think it is a Buchan photo but don't know for sure.
First automobile in Nobles County was the chain driven two cylinder chugger in this photograph. It was built by Peter Spartz of Wilmont in 1900. Seated in the car, left to right are: John, Henry, Peter and William Spartz.
The steam boat the Little Sioux at a dock on Okabena Lake in Worthington, Minnesota. The ship has a large U.S. flag on each end. Also a row boat with people in at the dock. The ship has was owned by Dr. Raymond Humiston. 1034
Train engine number 1 of the Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Omaha Railroad . Guy Otis an engineer from Bigelow is one of the men in the photograph.
The Rose Cab Company, a line up of five taxi automobiles looks like they are ready for a parade. People in the photograph from left to right is Bill Rose (Cowboy), Fred Rose, Ernie Stiegelmeyer driver #250-662, Charles Dovey.
The Rose Cab Company, Worthington, Minnesota. Line up of five taxi automobiles in front of the Grand Theater on 10th Street. People in the photograph from left to right is Second driver - Vance Stove, Child - Mose Anderson, Thirdrd driver - Fred Rose, on sidewalk - Willie Baker, Fourth driver - Charles Dovey, Ernie Stegelmeyer.
Steam engine with a passenger car and passengers on the Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Omaha Railroad line. Passengers include Charles Smallwood, Jim Messer, Edward Carnes the road master, Fred Parker and Hannah Parker.