Exhibit of apples for judging at the Minnesota State Fair in 1900. Wyman Elliot, President of the Minnesota Horticultural Society 1886 - 1891, is standing in the foreground of the photograph.
Bicentennial quilt made by Garden Club members of the First District. There are 29 squares representing the garden clubs with the First District represented by the square with the ""76"". TA drawing for the quilt was held at the First District Horticultural Society Panorama Flower Show at the Mayo Auditorium in September, 1976.
Displays at the Minnesota State Horticultural Society annual meeting at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, Minnesota. Left to right are Jerry Shannon, Don Miller, Elsie Miller, JoAnne Ray, Chris Ray, Andrew Ray
Dr. Leon Snyder receiving the Gold Medal for Outstanding Horticultural Achievement from William Hull, president of the Men's Garden Clubs of America and past president of the Men's Garden Club of Minneapolis.
A group of early members of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society. Lower row: A. Wilfort, E.R. Pond, Oliver Gibbs, Martin Panning, W. L. Taylor. Upper row: Frank Yahuke, S. Richardson, A. J. Philips, J. R. Cummings.