Unidentified rural photo; image might be of road construction; water tower in background; equipment may also have been used for farming; summer foliage; sepia tone photograph.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Poster of race horse Dan Patch, featuring his 1904 world record for the fastest mile by a harness horse (1 minute, 56 seconds). Includes list of all world records made by Dan Patch up to November 1904. Poster advertises the livestock feed produced by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage. Savage bought record breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business. Dan Patch would best this record in 1906 and set a new world record for the fastest mile by a harness horse at 1 minute, 55 seconds. Dan Patch is featured on many International Stock Food Products. The horse and his owner had a close connection: Dan Patch died July 11, 1916; Savage died of a heart attack a few days later. Dan Patch became less significant as America embraced the automobile. Ironically, Savage started manufacturing the Dan Patch automobile in 1911.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
M.W. Savage Factories Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Image of the Dan Patch Manure Spreader. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, who bought race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business. Consequently, Dan Patch is featured on many International Stock Food Products. The horse and his owner had a close connection: Dan Patch died July 11, 1916; Savage died of a heart attack a few days later. Dan Patch became less significant as America embraced the automobile. Ironically, Savage started manufacturing the Dan Patch automobile in 1911.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for International animal feed that suggests greater cow milk production with use. The number 96 is in the lower left corner of the advertisement. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for an egg laying contest that took place from October 1, 1905, to May 1, 1906. Contestants had to feed International Poultry Food to their hens. Prizes ranged from $5-$20 for children and $25-$100 for adults. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for livestock feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The feed is purported to purify the blood and aid digestion in horses, cows, and pigs. "Won highest medal at Paris in 1900." International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company(Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for International Stock Food animal feed and its use as a hog cholera preventative. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for International Stock Food Tonic sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The advertisement emphasizes the food is medicinal and lists a number of named medicinal ingredients. From the advertisement: "Any Chemist, Druggist or Veterinarian will tell you that the medicinal ingredients we use, when properly compounded will make a good animal tonic and aid to digestion, and is perfectly safe for all kinds of animals in working, growing, breeding, milking or fattening condition." International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for livestock feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Poster designed by Harry Millard. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Three testimonials from O.E. Countryman of Spencer, North Dakota, Oren J. Spalte of Pleasantville, Iowa, and John D. Marshall of Walton, Kansas, about the weight gain possible by pigs on the feed are included. "Schooley's Beauty" is featured on the poster, a Durock Jersey sow with a litter of 11 pigs. Text from poster, "International Stock Food 3 Feeds For One Cent Makes Sows Give More And Better Milk." International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for animal feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Purported to tone horses, make cows produce more milk, speed growth, and cure or prevent diseases. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
International Stock Food Company poster showing Images as follows: steer with beef cuts illustrated, number 111; pig, number 124; horse skeleton, number 108 and horse, number 123. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for gall cure sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Gall Cure was supposed to be effective on gashes, sore shoulders, sore necks, sore backs, sore months, cuts and bruised heels. It was backed by a positive cash guarantee. The cost of a tin of the Cure was $0.25. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for hoof ointment sold by International Stock Food. The advertisement promises the ointment, saying it "will save your horse by keeping the hoof soft, elastic and tough." International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for louse killer sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The advertisement claims it is a disinfectant and germicide and destroys ticks and fleas on horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, etc. Text from poster, "Hens With Lice Lay Few Eggs. Use International Louse Killer. It Quickly Kills Lice." International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for International Pheno-Chloro, an antiseptic and germicide prepared only by International Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The germicide is purported to prevent hog and chicken cholera and contagious human diseases, as well as germs produced by insects. Varieties of mites, lice, ticks, and flies displayed around perimeter of poster. Text from poster, "International Pheno-Chloro Greatest Known Disinfectant Antiseptic And Germicide." International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for poultry food sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The feed is purported to cure and prevent disease and increase egg production. Varieties of chicken breeds illustrated around perimeter of poster. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for livestock feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Poster shows two sickly runts and their weight gain 3 months later, after consuming the feeder.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for livestock feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The feed is purported to be the "quick cattle and hog grower and fattener" and includes farmer testimonials in support of that claim. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Book about the International Stock Food Farm owned by Marion Willis Savage. Marion Savage bred horses for racing at the farm. The famous harness racing horse Dan Patch, spent many years at the farm. Savage bought Dan Patch to help promote his business. Consequently, Dan Patch is featured on many International Stock Food Products. The horse and his owner had a close connection: Dan Patch died July 11, 1916; Savage died of a heart attack a few days later. Dan Patch became less significant as America embraced the automobile. Ironically, Savage started manufacturing the Dan Patch automobile in 1911.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for International Stock Food animal feed that purports to make a hog grow to a large size. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for animal feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for animal feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The poster contains testimony from 87 farmers throughout the United States satisfied with the product. Satisfied customers include John Lien, Amor, Minnesota; A.A. Menzel, Hamburg, Minnesota; August Schmidt, New York Mills, Minnesota. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for livestock feed sold by the International Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
International Stock Food Company (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Advertisement for International animal food with testimonial from William T. Dever, a Chester White Swine breeder. He notes his Chester White Boar, Protection Chief, had "won more First Prizes and Champion Ribbons than any hog living or dead" because of his use of International Stock Food mixed with his feed twice a day. International Stock Food Company was owned by Marion Savage, a Minnesota-based entrepreneur for whom the town of Savage, Minnesota, was named. Savage bought record-breaking harness race horse Dan Patch to help promote his business.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library