Compiled and published by George A. Ogle & Company, Publishers and Engravers
Date Created:
Full title reads, "Standard Atlas of Blue Earth County, Minnesota, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county. Map of the state, United States and World. Patrons Directory, Reference Business Directory and Departments devoted to General Information. Analysis of the system of U. S. Land Surveys, digest of the system of civil government, etc. etc." Also includes business advertisements and photographs of some county officials, residents, and buildings.
Exterior view of the Decoria Lutheran Church. Note on back of photograph says, "Decoria Luth. Church. Taken Aug 1935 (Just before the new one was built)."
Fort LeHillier Marker unveiling. Note on back reads: "Rear row, left to right, Stephen Walters, Thomas Hughes, Mrs. Jay Wysong, May Fletcher, Mrs. T. C. Jefferson; Front row left to right, Mrs. Thed. Williams, Mrs. George Sugden"" and ""Mrs. Geo. Sugden, Chr. Committee; Mrs. T. C. Jefferson, Past State Vice Regent, St. Paul, Minn; May Fletcher; Mrs. Jay R. Wysong, Regent; Thos. Hughes, Speaker; Mrs. Thed Williams, Past Regent." "Unveiled June 17, 1926 by Anthony Wayne Chapter, Daughters of American Revolution."
Ringling Brothers Circus advertising billboard and advertisements for Dr. Pierce's medicines. Note on back of photo says, "100 block No. Front Street near present Salet's Mens store."