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451. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October/November 1995
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association
- Date Created:
- 1995-10 - 1995-11
- Description:
- Volume 22, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October/November of 1995. Contents include summaries of the keynote addresses at the MLA annual conference, the MLA president's column, letters to the editor, News and Notes relevant to libraries around the state and nationally, highlights of the annual conference on the theme of Opportunity and Diversity: Libraries in Transition, MLA election results, a listing of the MLA award recipients, upcoming events, a listing of new MLA members, the minutes of the MLA annual business meeting, news items about MLA members, and the MLA calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
452. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, October/November 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-10 - 1988-11
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published October/November 1988. Contents include guest posts on Social Responsibilities, updates from the MLA Social Responsibilities Round Table, the ALA Resolution on Library Access, Minnesota applications of new technologies, miscellaneous news, Association of College and Research Libraries accepting award nominations, job announcements, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
453. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1993
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Richardson, Gregg (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1993-09
- Description:
- Volume 20, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1993. Titled call to conference issue, contents include cover article on collection development changes, and invitation to attend MLA annual conference in Rochester, MLA awards policy revision, proposed changes to MLA bylaws, MLA financial update, reminder to vote for MLA officers, letter to the editor, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
454. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1994
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association
- Date Created:
- 1994-09
- Description:
- Volume 21, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1994. Contents include a list of programs at the upcoming MLA Annual Conference, a message from the MLA President, July MLA Board meeting highlights, a summary of the Branch Out Conference, upcoming events, miscellaneous news and notes, a registration form for the MLA Readers' Retreat, a summary of a talk by Toni Carbo Bearman at the Humphrey Forum, a summary of the Richard Lucier lectures on the Virtual Library, miscellaneous news and notes, library staff updates, job announcements, and the MLA calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
455. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1995
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association
- Date Created:
- 1995-09
- Description:
- Volume 22, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1995. Contents include a guest article about opportunity and diversity in libraries, a summary of a recent legislative planning forum, a summary of the MLA assistive technology workshop, miscellaneous news and notes, an invitation to attend the MLA Annual Membership meeting, upcoming events, an description of conference keynote Sheila Creth, the MLA Annual Conference registration form, a announcement about the next RASS business meeting, job announcements, library staff updates, additional annual conference program highlights, welcome new members, and the MLA calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
456. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1977
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Wulff, L. Yvonne (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1977-09
- Description:
- Volume 4, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in September 1977. Content includes announcement of a Governor's Conference on Libraries and Information Services by Governor Perpich to be held September 1978, Environment Information Sharin conference announcement, ALA councilor's report to MLA, MLA annual conference schedule, national library news, MLA August board meeting notes, and MLA Legislative Inquiry task force appointments.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
457. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1978
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Kovel-Jarboe, Patricia (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1978-08
- Description:
- Volume 5, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) newsletter was published in September, 1978. Content includes minutes from the August MLA Board meeting, a save the date for the fall MLA conference business meeting, new faculty at the University of Minnesota Library School, an upcoming panel discussion on public library financing, copies of documents from the library forum, MLA committee, subunit, and division reports amd minutes, an announcement about the new MLA Paraprofessional Round Table (PALS), a call for Minnesota humanities commission award nominations, a new course offered on library services for the handicapped, an announcement about the upcoming American Library Association (ALA) Library and Information Technology Association institute, information about a new academic library program that will assist academic libraries conducting self-study programs, an advertisement for the MLA Technical Services Division pre-conference on trends in Acquisitions and Collection Development, a lilst of MLA members who hold American Library Association official positions, library job announcements, status of legislation of interest to librarians, an invitation to attend a showing of the film "The Speaker," the MLA Academic Library Division annual program announcement, an upcoming workshop on library services to teens, a call to serve on the MLA publications committee, an upcoming seminar on the issues and problems of evaluating reference services, new library books, directories, and resources, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
458. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1979
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1979-09
- Description:
- Volume 6, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September 1979. Topics include notes of MLA Board of Directors meeting, Reference and Adult Services section, Minnesota Library Trustees Association, Library Research Round Table, Media Round Table, PALS Round Table, Special Libraries Round Table, an announcement of an Intellectual Freedom Committee meeting, registration and genda of the Academic and Research Library Division Fall Meeting (10/6/1979) at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, notice of Minnesota Coalition Against Censorship (MCAC) meeting, MCAC's protest of actions by Follett Library Book Company, new MLA Officers Workshop scheduled, MLA account audit, elections process, and Chapter Relations Office information, MLA Program Fund contributors, MLA Membership news, MLA Membership Directory additions and changes, ALA policy on Minimum qualifications for librarians, Multi-county Multi-type library Cooperation in Minnesota, notice of American Society for Information Science (ASIS) meeting 10/14-10/18/1979 in Minneapolis, notice of AACR2 workshops and Midwest Regional Group of the Medical Library Association fall meeting 09/27-09/29/1979 in Minneapolis, an announcement of Friends of Libraries USA organization, Minnesota Friends of the Library Fall Conference on 10/11/1979, Minnesota Educational Media Organization (MEMO) meeting, Data base seminars to be held in Minneapolis, Ann Pellowski luncheon, David Maculay Lecture, and traveling exhibit titled "Once upon a time: Illustrations of Children's Tales from Around the world," to be shown in several libraries across Minnesota in December, Gerald MacDermott lecture, Book Week Program, 10/15-10/19/1979, School Library Media Award is available, new courses at University of Minnesota Library School, message board, job openings, and calendar of events from 9/7-11/30/1979.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
459. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1980
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1980-09
- Description:
- Volume 7, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September, 1980. Topics include: an MLA Legislative Committee report on activities, several MLA division, subunit, roundtable and committee updates, a contest to design the next MLA logo, statewide COM Catalog inventory results, an account of the Spring Depository Council meeting in St. Paul, the MLA Membership Directory, a full description of upcoming AACR 2 workshops, job announcements, information sought by ALA on library instruction in Minnesota, an announcement about the Minnesota Reading Association fall conference, a call for papers on children's literature, a new national association for on-line A/V catalogers, and a calendar of upcoming library events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
460. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1983
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (co-editor); Wagner, Mary (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1983-09
- Description:
- Volume 10, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September of 1983. Contents include a Legislative Update on privacy law revisions, highlights of the May MLA Board meeting, a description of the charge of the newly formed Task Force on an MLA Lobbyist, a report of the Government Documents Round Table, a listing of educational events, a call for energy information centers to promote information sharing, a call for nominations for the Kerlan Award, and news briefs on individual members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
461. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September, 1984
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1984-09
- Description:
- Volume 11, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September, 1984. Topics include announcement of American Library Association (ALA) Goal Award received by MLA at 103rd ALA Annual Conference in Dallas, TX 06-25-1984, and ALA awards also given to Lutheran Church Library Association, headquartered in Minneapolis, and George D'Elia and Sandra Walsh received the ALA Library Research Round Table's 1984 Research Development Award; report on Information through Literacy, ALA Pre-Conference (June 1984) at Texas Woman's University; announcement of National Awareness Campaign on adult illiteracy; online jobs database available by the Office of Library Development and Services and MLA; "Let's Talk About It" discussion program update; call for papers for PLA's 1986 National Conference to be held in St. Louis, MO (April 1986); Librarians for Nuclear Arms Control (LNAC) almanac available; meeting announcement of MLA Academic and Research Libraries Division (November 1984) at Carlton College in Northfield, MN; Books Come Alive! II conference on literature for children and young adults planned (November 1984) at Mankato State University; Minnesota Educational Media Organization (MEMO) to hold conference (November 1984) in Brooklyn Park, MN; Computer User Magazine educational events planned (October 1984); job openings; ads for EBSCO Subscription Services and Library Binding Service.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
462. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1986
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Barton, David (co-editor); Barton, Marjorie (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1986-09
- Description:
- Volume 13, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1986. Contents include pictures of MLA members at the American Library Association Annual Conference, July MLA Board Meeting notes, reminder to vote for MLA officers, MLA calendar, library staff updates, new MLA members list, an upcoming Children and Young People's Section workshop, attend the American Association of School Librarians conference in Minneapolis, an upcoming day-long meeting of Minnesota academic librarians (Change in the Workplace), Change in the Workplace event registration insert, MLA Chapter Councilor Report on the ALA Annual Conference, job announcements, and the unanimous passing of a resolution for divestment of funds by the Minneapolis Public Library Board in the Republic of South Africa.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
463. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1987
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1987-09
- Description:
- Volume 14, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1987. Contents include meet the candidates for MLA office, local government Pay Equity Act, new technology and academic libraries, ALA annual conference highlights, MLA annual conference notes, Midwest Federation of Library Associations and Minnesota Association for Continuing and Adult Education conferences, miscellaneous news, job announcements, a list of new MLA members, and 1988 MLA Legislative session plans (Note some pages are missing from this issue).
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
464. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1988
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Janet Urbanowicz (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1988-09
- Description:
- Volume 15, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September, 1988. Contents include a guest post about Minnesota Extension services, an MLA member letter writing campaign, a farewell from MLA President Mona Carmack upon resignation, greetings from the new MLA President, a spotlight on the library serving Metropolitan State University, updates from MLA Subunits, an advertisement for the upcoming MLA Annual Conference, proposed amendments to the MLA bylaws, sample letter to Governor Perpich on library funding, 1988 MLA annual conference full program, Minnesota applications of new technologies, upcoming conferences and educational opportunities, miscellaneous news, job announcements, a list of new MLA members, and news of interest about Minnesota library workers.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
465. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1989
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (co-editor); Urbanowicz, Janet (co-editor)
- Date Created:
- 1989-09
- Description:
- Volume 16, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September, 1989. Contents include MLA President Michael Hauser's call for attending the MLA Annual Conference, a special section on dealing with changes in reference technology, reference librarians and the online catalog, mediated and end-user database searching, the changing role of the reference librarian, a sub-unit summary of the Academic and Research Libraries Division, a Library Automation News column on computers and the control of information, recognition of the MLA Newsletter team and a list of upcoming theme issues, News & Notes, events calendar, job listings, and People & Places.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
466. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1990
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Byers, Barb (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1990-09
- Description:
- Volume 17, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September 1990. This issue focuses on special collections. Content includes a calendar of events, a new MLA policy on censorship and libraries, automation updates from ALA conference, library news briefs, job postings, upcoming learning opportunities, and a list of new MLA members.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
467. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1992
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Urbanowicz, Janet (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1992-09
- Description:
- Volume 19, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1992. Contents include cover article on marketing and user surveys for libraries, MLA board minutes, announcement of 1993 MLA Conference theme, "Leadership and Self-esteem," MLA calendar of events, presentation of new MLA logos, Cataloging Basics workshop registration form, Minnesota Library Services Roll of Honor honoree, Della Louise McGregor, miscellaneous news & notes, upcoming seminars, conferences, and workshops, people & places, and employment opportunities.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
468. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1991
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Gibson, Kristi (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1991-09
- Description:
- Volume 18, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September, 1991. Contents include description and discussion of the White House Conference on Library and Information Services, board meeting highlights, description of the upcoming Midwest Federation of Library Associations Conference, events calendar, job listings, News & Notes, People & Places, and new members list.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
469. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 10, 1974
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association
- Date Created:
- 1974-09
- Description:
- Volume 1, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published on September 10, 1974. Contents include brief reports from the Children and Young People's Section and the Media Roundtable, a list of exhibitors and representatives at the upcoming MLA annual conference, an announcement of a discussion of film services in Minnesota public libraries at the annual conference, a call for committee participation, announcements of meetings of the Trustee Division and the Senior Citizens Roundtable, the Senior Citizens Roundtable meeting minutes, transportation information to the annual conference, and the scripts of two public service commercials for libraries created by the Houston Public Library.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
470. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 3, 1975
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association
- Date Created:
- 1975-09
- Description:
- Volume 2, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter published September 3, 1975. Topics include announcements and notes of the MLA Board of Directors meeting, Library Management Round Table, Committee on Unionism & Collective Bargaining, MLA Publication Board named, Senior Citizens Round Table, Special Program Funds available, Wisconsin Philanthropic Foundations Directory available, Technical Services section, Special Library Round Table and new officers named, Professional Welfare Committee, Popular Culture Association's 6th annual meeting, Minnesota Reading Association Fall Conference, and National Employ the Handicapped Week; Friends of Minnesota Libraries dropping MLA Round Table Status; calendar of events 9/8/75-1/1/76; ALA News.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
471. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September 1976
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association
- Date Created:
- 1976-09
- Description:
- Volume 3, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September, 1976. Contents include MLA Board meeting notes, American Library Association (ALA) Centennial Conference report, Continuing Education Committee update, Library Services to Seniors (LISTS) Roundtable minutes, Technical Services Section program, MLA Annual Conference schedule and calendar of events.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
472. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September/October 1998
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association
- Date Created:
- 1998-09 - 1998-10
- Description:
- Volume 25, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September/October 1998. Content includes an update for the MLA annual conference, an introduction to information ethics, an announcement of Julie Billings as recipient of MCI's Cybrarian of the Year award, a summary of the Minnesota Twins Library Day event, feedback from the library breast cancer awareness promotions, a focus on library trustees, the change in education needs for library science students, the installation of INNOPAC automation system in Minneapolis public libraries, and miscellaneous news and notes.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
473. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September/October 2000
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Johnson, Alison (editor)
- Date Created:
- 2000-09 - 2000-10
- Description:
- Volume 27, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September/October 2000. Content includes a list of MLA Foundation Library Enhancement Grant winners, a note from the MLA president, an announcement of collaboration between libraries and Minnesota Crime Network, promotion of the MLA Distance Learning Round Table, an overview of the cooperation between Chaska Public Library and Chaska Police Department, details of the annual children's literature conference, web resources for Minnesota libraries, and miscellaneous news and notes
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
474. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September/October, 1981
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Panzer Morris, Adele (editor)
- Date Created:
- 1981-09 - 1981-10
- Description:
- Volume 8 number 10/11 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September/October, 1981. Contents include summary of the meeting of the Association of College and Research Libraries, minutes of the MLA board meeting, a listing of regional MLA meetings, upcoming meetings of various MLA sections and roundtables, the results of the Technical Services Section election, a report from the ALA chapter councilor, a listing of library continuing education events, announcement of NEH grants available for youth projects, a call for humanities workshop participants, a call for submissions to the Minnesota English Journal, news from the multi-county multi-type library systems, announcement of the ALA awards and scholarships, and library job postings.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters
475. Minnesota Library Association Newsletter, September/October 2001
- Creator:
- Minnesota Library Association; Johnson, Alison (editor)
- Date Created:
- 2001-09 - 2001-10
- Description:
- Volume 28, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in September/October of 2001. Contents include information on the upcoming Annual Children's Literature Conference featuring the theme "Poetry in Motion," the MLA President's column, an article on the emerging field of information architecture, information about the Special Library Association, photographs from Library Day with the Twins, entry information about the essay contest titled Letters About Literature 2002, an article on the responsibility of library trustees, and a call for library trustees to advocate for increased library funding.
- Contributing Institution:
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- Newsletters