Aftermath of the W.W. Eastman tunnel collapse that caused the loss of St. Anthony Falls to erosion. This image is by Arthur Adams, Minneapolis high school teacher, local historian, and photographer. Adams traveled throughout Minnesota, taking photographs to augment his lectures. His studio was located at 3648 Lyndale Avenue South in Minneapolis.
Construction at the lower dam water power station along the Mississippi River; shows headrace and retaining walls; the Westside Mills are visible in the distance.
Construction at the lower dam area near the gatehouse, shows the retaining wall; the Minneapolis Western railroad bridge and Gasworks are in the background.
Lower dam water power station, shows the level gates and the pumping station. The Minneapolis Western railroad bridge and Tenth Avenue bridges are in the distance.
This picture shows the amount of filling in done by Eastman; the fill extends from the bank on which the rocks are shown over to the extreme right hand side. The materials consisted of loose sans and some mud; rock was piled in later and little rock was used in the lower fill. Also shows Nicollet Island and the Hennepin Avenue bridge.