Groundbreaking for North Wing Expansion at Danebo 1961. This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
The inscription on the commemorative plaque reads: "Trees planted along this parkway in the year 1939 have been named Sesquicentennial trees to commemorate the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the first session of Congress and the Inauguration of the first president of the United States. This tree was planted by Crown Prince Fredrik of Denmark as a Sesquicentennial tree April 22, 1939."
This construction Project added a North Wing addition to Danebo in 1961.The building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Danebo News Number 27 Volume 8, December 1942. "We hope that we have to a certain degree accomplished our purpose - that of keeping you informed of things happening at Danebo and maybe aroused some interest here and there where none was before."
Danebo newsletter with information on Circle News, gifts to the home, birthdays at the mome, On the Sick List, Departed Folks by Death, Expenses at the Home for the past three months, Men's Circles, and staff information.
Danebo Senior Residence Sign. Danebo building started as a home for Danish seniors in 1924 and the building was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural organization known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Brochure with information on Danebo Seniors Community, including informatio on housing with services rates and availability, location, housing, services, and hospitality.
Danish American Center Sign. This building started as a home for Danish seniors in 1924 and the building of Danebo was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural organization known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Front door of Danebo seen from West River Parkway South. This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
The Danebo building was expanded adding a north wing in 1961. One of the Danish workman is laying the cornerstone. This building started as Danebo, a home for Danish seniors, and was later repurposed as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Ingrid at Danebo April 22 1939 on the occasion of planting a commemorative tree honoring the Sesquicentennial of the United States. Pictured from left to right: Mr. Andrew N. Johnson Danish Consul General Minneapolis, Crown Princess Ingrid , Mr. Martin Nelson, Crown Prince Frederik, Mr. Christian, and A. Bossen.
Groundbreaking for North Wing Expansion at Danebo 1961. This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Danebo building grounds in winter. This building started as a home for Danish seniors in 1924 and the building of Danebo was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural organization known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Exterior view of Danebo shortly after it was constructed (the sidewalk in front of the building is not completed). This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
View of Danebo entrance and sign on West River Parkway South . This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Exterior view of Danebo east side of building taken from West River Parkway South. This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Danebo home view from West River Parkway South. This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Exterior view of Danebo east side of building taken from West River Parkway South. This image indicates where new addition adjoins the original building. This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
This view shows the north side of the Danebo 1961 addition. The building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.
Construction of the north wing expansion of Danebo in 1961. This building started as Danebo, a home for seniors in the Danish community, and was later repurposed as a non-profit cultural center known as the Danish American Center in 2005.