Studio portrait of Agnella Duesterman in long white dress, black tall heel boots, veil on head. She is holding a small black book that is resting on a table to her right; there is a candle on it. The background is a backdrop.
Armistice Day on November 11, 1918. Impromptu parade down Main Street in Belle Plaine. People are waving American flags and are standing along the street. Automobiles are lined up in the parade. The church, hotel, garage and other buildings are also visible.
Armistice Day parade on November 11, 1918. Impromptu parade down Main Street in Belle Plaine with the street lights hanging from wire. The Bank and saloon buildings are in the background. The parade floats include a submarine chaser and German submarine. American flags are flying.
Black and white photograph of interior of Bailey Store in Belle Plain. Tin ceiling, stencilled border on walls. Shows counter with scale, shelves with canned goods, and barrels of good on floor. Eight people standing in rear of store, unidentified.
Bailey Brothers outside of their store demonstrating the durability of their overalls in a publicity stunt. A large crowd surrounds the brothers on a stage set up in front of their store. Reproduction by Fred Heiland; original.
Interior view of a bar with a tin ceiling, stuffed Great Horned Owl and Jordan Sulfur Springs pennant on the wall. Sign for Silver Pitcher Whiskey. Behind bar is Cunard Fischbach and Otto "Puncher" Miller. Seven men are standing at the bar including, August Mueller, Bruce Atwood, and Frank Geis.
Black and white albumen print showing the interior of a bar in Belle Plaine. Seen are a long bar with five stools and two wooden tables with display cases. The cases are filled with various cigars for sale. Written on the backside of the image is "Chris Albrecht/Belle Plaine/1900."
Studio portrait of the Belle Plaine Band. Seen are the all-male band members with their instruments and wearing their uniforms. Printed on a drum is "Belle Plaine Band/Belle Plaine, Minnesota." The card is used and is addressed to Mr. Math Gansen of Belle Plaine. The message on the card reads "...., Fran."
Studio portrait of the Belle Plaine Coronet Band wearing matching uniforms and holding their instruments. Back row left to right: John Leuwer, ? , Rienhard Engfer. Middle row : Oliver Hillstrom, Emil Affolter, Fred Bohland, Walter Kahle, Joe.
Portrait of 1930 Belle Plaine high School Boy's basketball team taken in gymnasium with backboard just behind them. Boys wearing identical dark zip-up sweatshirts with BP Logo.
Thirteen boys in various uniforms (eight standing-five kneeling), coach standing to right. Curtains hanging behind on either side with backdrop screen center back. Boys in front holding baseball bats, two gloves on floor in front of them with a trophy between gloves. (Boy standing third from right is on crutches).
Photo of 1914 Belle Plaine High School Football Team in a classroom in various poses. Most are seated on Windsor chairs, some seated cross-legged on floor. The football is inscribed: "BPHS'14." Another boy at the blackboard is writing various slogans: "B.P. Football Team, After the game" and "Champions of Minn. Valley."
The building that is standing next to the hotel was built in 1904, the hotel was built in 1857 and was demolished in 1912. The Peter Carlin Saloon is on the main floor of the hotel. A jewelry store is directly behind the hotel and First National Bank is to its left. Two men are standing in the doorway to the saloon.
Majestic Theater - cement block one-story building with smooth cement front facade. Open door on left front, closed door on right front, double open entry alcove in center front. Left side of building has two windows and a sign reading in block letters "Belle Plaine Cement Works We build You Walk Cement Blocks Houses Stucco J Widmer Prop Phone No." cement blocks stacked next to building and near sign. Front of building has sign over alcove, reading "Majestic Theater". One man sitting on steps in straw boater hat and suit. One man standing next to steps in hat, white shirt and dark trousers. Three electrical wires leading from left edge of building to right edge of photo. Handwriting on rear reads pencil "Bernard Stradcutter Sr. standing", "048" in circle, in blue ink "Majestic Theater Belle Plaine, MN" "A184" "page 307 100%", red ink "smaller", black ink "272" crossed out with blue ink, black ink "4-22-68".
Black and white albumen print of a pool hall in Belle Plaine, most likely owned by Christ Albrecht. Seen are a pool table with racked balls in the foreground and two additional tables in the background. Five men are standing by the pool tables in the background. They are, from left to right, Christ Albrecht, Jim Mangen, Ole Olson, Joe Gaffney, and an unknown man.
Postcard showing the railroad yards of Belle Plaine looking west. The White Lily Flour Mill and grain elevator visible as well as the depot with box cars pulled up to it. Left corner missing due to the removal of the postage stamp. Postcard addressed to Mr. Mat Deusterman, Jordan.
Black and white photograph. View of Sacred Heart Church from balcony-alter in alcove behind large arch, serval pews and chandelier in foreground, curved arch over alter, carved wood pulpit on (photo's)right of alter, statues on either side of alter, with small cloth covered alters (candles and other items on alter) directly under statues, four frames hung on wall from ceiling coving (frames lean away from wall), religious paintings on either side of alter (high on wall) - above on heavy cardboard - embelished in corners geometric design and edges with lines in gold ink. Rear handwriting reads; blue ink "Sacred Heart Church", black ink "176", pencil "p169 top 100%", pencil "041" in circle.
Two story brick building, 4 gabled windows on upper level, horse drawn carriage in foreground with two women dressed in black coats in front seat, possibly a third person in the backseat. Two dark horses are attached to carriage they are standing still for photo. A single story building is to the left of the bank, it says "Lumbe" (Lumber) along top, a man is standing in the doorway.
John Schoell telephone office, Belle Plaine. Two women at switchboard are Annie and Winnie O'Connor. Standing next to them is John Schoell. Behind switchboard is Joe Fidelduy. Man at facing left is unidentified. Walls wallpapered with large boarder. Bank of Belle Plaine calendar hanging on wall. Photograph very fragile.
Portrait of the 1923 Belle Plaine Tigers baseball team. Pictured in the front row from left to right are Gerry O'Connell, Joe Hahn, Fred Keup, Clyde Bristol, Victor Kahle, and Rollie Engfer. Pictured in the second row from left to right are Francis "Tade" Connelly, Alf Albrecht, Clarence Meligren, Charlie Frank, Ray Grosser, George Vancore, and Howard Engfer.
The 1952 Belle Plaine Tiger baseball team. Seen in the front row are bat boys Paul Johnson and Greg Engfer. Pictured in the middle row from left to right are Pete Johnson, Fred Schultz, Jerry Miller, "Baldy" Hartkopf, Jim Geske, and Rollie Seltz. Pictured in the last row from left to right are Bob Meyer, George Bodmer, Paul Keup, Lloyd Schultz, Jim Pollard, Jack O'Brien, Fred Keup, and Gene O'Brien. This team attended the state baseball tournament that year.