Studio portrait of the Belle Plaine Band. Seen are the all-male band members with their instruments and wearing their uniforms. Printed on a drum is "Belle Plaine Band/Belle Plaine, Minnesota." The card is used and is addressed to Mr. Math Gansen of Belle Plaine. The message on the card reads "...., Fran."
Photo of 1914 Belle Plaine High School Football Team in a classroom in various poses. Most are seated on Windsor chairs, some seated cross-legged on floor. The football is inscribed: "BPHS'14." Another boy at the blackboard is writing various slogans: "B.P. Football Team, After the game" and "Champions of Minn. Valley."
Postcard showing the railroad yards of Belle Plaine looking west. The White Lily Flour Mill and grain elevator visible as well as the depot with box cars pulled up to it. Left corner missing due to the removal of the postage stamp. Postcard addressed to Mr. Mat Deusterman, Jordan.
Twelve women seated on stairs, noted as a hiker's club of Belle Plaine (Idenified in "people" back to front and left to right). All wear hats, one holds a dog.
Outdoor photo of Petter Weldon pausing from plowing wheat field. Wears overalls and work shirt, broad brimmed hat; Stares at the camera with one hand on his hip the other on his plow handle. Plow is a steel of iron beamed mold board plow hitched to two horses facing away from camera. In center foreground is young girl with floppy hat and pony tail with back to the camera.
Postcard fragment showing the interior of saloon with two men leaning on bar and barkeeper behind a counter. The bartender is identified as Walter Kahle. The customers as Jack Krentz and Eddie Diers. Krentz wears suspenders and hat with brim, Diers is smoking a pipe, wearing cap, overcoat and overalls. The signs above the bar read: "Positively no credit" and "No minors allowed."
Photographic postcard of two women, identified as Hattie Chamberlain and a friend. Dressed in large overcoats and flowered hats. Addressed to Miss Clara Weibeler of Belle Plaine.
Portrait of Joe Mohrbacher dressed as cowboy with wide-brimmed hat, leather gloves, hip holster and pistol and buffalo fur chaps. Stands in front of painted backdrop. Short letter on reverse of card addressed to Mayme (?), that talks about a trip to Henderson and a funeral.
Postcard showing group portrait of three men posing as tavern goers. Men indentified as Joe "Fox" Melchior, Ed Affolter, Joe Bovenkamp. All three seated around card table with three beer bottles and glasses. Each with cigarettes in mouth. Joe Melchoir's leg rests on the base of the table and he holds his beer glass in hand. Leafy painted backdrop behind.
Postcard of the boat, "The Dorothea" on the Minnesota River at Belle Plaine. The boat includes a canopy, a flag, and a spotlight. The boaters are identified as: Francis Albrecht, Kitty Baily, Z. Whirley, Neal McDermott, and a third unidentified women.
Fragment of a picture postcard (both ends cut off) showing boy on a bare back horse wearing overalls, broad hat and brandishing a length of rope. Another boy holds the reigns and bridle. Visible in background are small buildings, a church steeple and carriage. One of the boys is identified as George Vancore.