Benetol Powder cannister, contains "Glycerite of Napthol." Contents 2 ox. Produced by The Benetol Company.
"Benetol Powder for the treatment of Eczema, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chaped hands, lip sores, poison ivy, pimples, scabbies, sores and ulcers, cuts bruises, burns, wounds and other skin abrasions. Safe and harmless for men, owmen , children and babies."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Kolynos Tooth Powder in a "Special Wartime Container" of a cardboard dispensing canister. Made during World War I (1914-1918) rationing. Label on the side of the cannister reads, "Daytons Bluff Pharmacy, St. Paul, Minnesota. Leo M. Foley, Proprietor."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Round metal dispensing container, covered with a paper label for Northern Licorice Powder. Label reads, "An agreeable laxative combining the cathartic action of Senna with Sulphur and the aromatic of Licorice, Oil of Fennel with sugar, thus eliminating the griping effect. Dose, one-half to 2 teaspoonfuls, preferably at night or in the morning. Place the powder in a glass and gradually stir in the water."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library