About the Exhibitions

The Minnesota Immigrants series of online exhibitions originated from a project developed by the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) with the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).

The original initiative gathered and digitized previously recorded oral histories from cultural heritage organizations across Minnesota. We combined these existing recordings with newly created stories to more fully document the rich tradition of immigration to this state. These audio and video histories were then brought together on a single website where they could be shared in a freely accessible manner.

In this new iteration of the Minnesota Immigrants project, we have created a series of exhibitions to explore these immigrant experiences in greater depth. We have combined many of these personal interviews with historical, archival, and cultural materials from immigrant groups shared by our many contributors. These exhibits are meant to lift up the myriad immigrant stories of the people who call Minnesota home.

Explore the other exhibits in MDL's Minnesota Immigrants online exhibit series:

To view all of the original oral history interviews, please visit our Minnesota Immigrants collection on MDL.

For more specific groupings of Minnesota immigrant stories, check out these featured collections on MDL:

And there are many more!

See below for additional resources, a bibliography, and credits.