Unopened glass bottle for Antiseptic Toilet Cream manufactured by Arthur S. Holden, Winona, Minnesota. "An elegant prepartion for sunburn, freckles, tan, chapped hands, face and lips."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Benetol Powder cannister, contains "Glycerite of Napthol." Contents 2 ox. Produced by The Benetol Company.
"Benetol Powder for the treatment of Eczema, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chaped hands, lip sores, poison ivy, pimples, scabbies, sores and ulcers, cuts bruises, burns, wounds and other skin abrasions. Safe and harmless for men, owmen , children and babies."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Cardboard box for the Coal Roller Pills. Label reads, "Coal Roller Pills, a laxative for constipation and associated headache, sour stomach, biliousness, colic and cramps due to gas. Each contains resin may apple, ext. bitter apple, calomel (a derivative of Mercury), gri, resin jalap."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Box wrapped in paper for Double Strength Stomach and Liver Pills. Package has never been opened. Label reads, "For disorders of the stomach and liver, biliousness, constipation. The pill that will."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Box with the Erickson Antiseptic All-Purpose Ointment from Erickson's General Store. "A Soothing application for cuts, bruises, burns, sunburn, scalds, bites, stings of insects, scaly skin, itch, moist and oozing skin irritations and similar skin affectins, poison ivy and for rectal applications."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Cardboard box reads, "For the relief of Headache and Neuralgia. Contains 300 grains of Acetanilid to the ounce. Goodrich-Gamble Company, Pharmaceutical Chemists, St. Paul, Minnesota."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Hemol Pills in a cardboard box. An effective tonic for the blood and nerves. Hemol Pills are prescribed extensively as a blood tonic. They are beneficial in nearly all cases of general weakness, anemia, lack of blood, dyspepsia, chronic constipatio,n and is a general tonic for "run down" conditions of the system. Directions: take 1 or 2 pills three times a day after meals. Label on the box reads: Daytons Bluff Pharmacy, St. Paul, Minnesota. Leo M. Foley, Proprietor.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Cardboard box with the Indian Herbs Tablets inside. Label reads," Composed of Derivatives of Indian herbs used from olden times by the Indians combined with derivatives of other medicine herbs, roots and barks. Active ingredients: Extract Caseara Sagrada, Podophyllin, Extract Indian Rhubarb, Oleoresin Capsicum, Aloes, aloin, Oil Peppermint. An excellent laxative... very helpful for sluggish bowels. This box contains 50 tablets. Price $1.00."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Jupiter Tea is described as "A careful copositin of flowers, herbs and roots for the cure of all diseases of the THROAT, LUNGS and complains of the CHEST, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, DROPSY and the best remedy for Blood Purifying , Cathartic and Menstruation. Steep 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoonful of the tea in one cup of boiling water and let it draw. Drink one cup morning and evenings." Label on the side of the box reads, "Daytons Bluff Pharmacy, St. Paul, Minnesota."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Drugstore supply catalog of the Kennedy-Andrews Drug Company. Items for sale include medicines, medical devices, household goods, beauty products, etc.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Kolynos Tooth Powder in a "Special Wartime Container" of a cardboard dispensing canister. Made during World War I (1914-1918) rationing. Label on the side of the cannister reads, "Daytons Bluff Pharmacy, St. Paul, Minnesota. Leo M. Foley, Proprietor."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Packaging box, glass bottle and instructions for Mary T. Goldman's Gray Hair Color Restorarer, a "colorific preparation No. 2." The box reads, "For technical external use for communicating color to hair that has lost its natural color. Beware of imitatins. Don not imitators confuse you. Insist on the original. Price $1.50 per bottle. Express prepaid. Keep bottle in box.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Packaging box, glass bottle and instructions for Neroxin Powder made by the Cooper Pharmacal Company of Chicago, Illinois. Label on the box reads, "Daytons Bluff Pharmacy, St. Paul, Minnesota. Leo M. Foley, Proprietor."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Round metal dispensing container, covered with a paper label for Northern Licorice Powder. Label reads, "An agreeable laxative combining the cathartic action of Senna with Sulphur and the aromatic of Licorice, Oil of Fennel with sugar, thus eliminating the griping effect. Dose, one-half to 2 teaspoonfuls, preferably at night or in the morning. Place the powder in a glass and gradually stir in the water."
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Glass bottle for Nux-I-Tone Tonic. This Tonic containing Iron and Nux vomica in combination with Beef and Wine is recommended for convalescents, weak women, aged persona and delicate children. Of special benefit to person who do not have sufficient iron in their blood as indicated by paleness and anemic conditions. 15.5 Fluid ounces. Alcohol 16%
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library
Penitone Gleet Injection bottle and packaging box. For the treatment of Gleet and obstinate cases of Gonorrhoea, sold on its merits. Guaranteed by LaFavar Medicine Company Under the Food and Drug Acts, June 30, 1906. Price: $1.00.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Wangensteen Historical Library