Addresses Delivered at the Dedication of the Edifice of the Preparatory Department, of the BaldwinSchool, Saint Paul, Minnesota Territory; And Catalogue for 1853. There are colored pencil notations in the booklet.
Small program from Thursday evening, June 19, 1884. Part one of the program included music, prayer, recitations, and essays. Part two consisted of, "La Jeune Savante ou Le Premier Jour de Pension."
BaldwinSchool. English and Classical School for Boys and Girls. This is the first page of a pamphlet for the BaldwinSchool. The bottom reads "Fall Term commences Monday, September 15, 1884" so it was presumably created in the early 1880s.
Pamphlet describing the history, costs, instruction, and rules for the 1873-1874 school year of the BaldwinSchool, a school for boys of at least thirteen years of age. The pamphlet includes an illustration of the school building on the back page.
Small handbill listing seven requirements and four prohibitions of the Baldwinschool. There is a space for a signature, showing the student "assents to the above requirements and prohibitions."
Neill, Edward Duffield, 1823-1893; Mattocks, Rev. John 1814-1875; Ramsey, Alexander, 1815-1903
Date Created:
Notice from the BaldwinSchool Executive Committee (John Mattocks, Alexander Ramsey, and Edward D. Neill), announcing resumption of operations on September 5, 1859 at the school's leased building on Walnut Street. The Principal, Assistant, and courses of instruction are mentioned, as are tuition, transportation to the building, and furnishing descriptions. The announcement includes the blue BaldwinSchool seal in Latin at the top. The BaldwinSchool was for female youth, however a limited number of boys were admitted if they had sisters in attendance.
Small green booklet with a white tassel, detailing events for the Diamond Anniversary of Oak Hall, formerly the BaldwinSchool. The program details the history of the BaldwinSchool from its founding in 1853 up to 1928. The Oak Hall Diamond Anniversary events took place the week of April 22, 1928. Jubilee events included a pilgrimage to the site of the original school, Diamond Jubilee Program, an exhibition, exercises in honor of the Reverend Edward D. Neill, an open house, drama competition, and Diamond Jubilee Banquet with program and entertainment. The booklet also contains photos of Neill, Oak Hall main buildings in 1928, and Mr. and Mrs. Royal A. Moore, then Principals. There are also lyrics for a song about Oak Hall.
Handbill briefly describing the BaldwinSchool expenses and accommodations, for the Summer Term beginning April 28, 1873, and the Fall Term beginning September 8, 1873. The top of the handbill has a "CHRISTO ET PATRIAE" seal, and the reverse side of the handbill consists of a chart for a week's courses and a rating system of "10, Perfect" to "0, Failure", possibly for grading.
Small handbill announcing the departments, terms, tuition, and fees for the 1881-1882 academic year. Instructors listed are Edward D. Neill, Rockwood MacQuesten, and Philip A. Schapp.
Pamphlet for the BaldwinSchool, Macalester College's Preparatory Department for boys. Instructors, courses of study, and expenses are included, as is a list of Trustees.
Catalogues of the BaldwinSchool, and the Academic Department of the College of Saint Paul, Minnesota. MDCCCLIV. The catalogues have information on trustees, instructors, pupils, and a statement and general plan for the College of Saint Paul.
The Baldwin English and Classical seminary for boys and girls was located at 24 and 26 Summit Avenue, in St. Paul, Minnesota. The pamphlet for the 1887-1888 school year lists Trustees, instructors, courses of study, departments, location, aims of the school, regulations, teachers, and tuition costs. The back page of the pamphlet also lists the pupils of the Primary, Preparatory, and Academic Departments of the Baldwin Seminary the previous school year, 1886-1887.
Pamphlet for the 1884-1885 school year of the BaldwinSchool, located on Summit Avenue, between Wabasha and St. Peter Streets in St. Paul. The Preparatory Department, Academic Department--Classical Course, and Academic Department--Scientific Course are described, as is the Music Department.
Pamphlet listing the tuition, religious services, and room and board for the 1880-1881 academic year of BaldwinSchool, the Preparatory Department of Macalester College. A list of Trustees is included.
Pamphlet about the German-American Institute and Kindergarten, a branch of the Baldwin Seminary at the corner of Broadway and Ninth Street in St. Paul, Minnesota, for the 1887-1888 school year. The pamphlet lists instructors, aims of the school, and tuition, and also describes the kindergarten.
A small handbill with an image of a church ruin, briefly describing Jesus College, comprised of The School of Christian Literature and The Baldwin Grammar School.
Pamphlet on the "Statement of the Object of Jesus College, Proposed to be established at the Falls of Saint Anthony, Nine miles by Railway from Saint Paul, the Capital of Minnesota." Describes the aims of the College, its Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced Class, and includes religious creeds and quotes.
July 1872, Volume 1, Number 1 of Cross and Crown, a "monthly paper devoted to the advancement of higher education and the interests of Jesus College." The four pages include articles on the two earliest church bells in St. Paul, the origin and object of Jesus College, and the announcement for the 1872 academic year. It includes an image of the College's building at St. Anthony Falls.
Pamphlet reproducing a letter written by Edward Duffield Neill to Eugene M. Wilson, the Mayor of Minneapolis, correcting remarks Wilson made. The letter describes the aims of Jesus College and its two schools, The Baldwin Grammar School and the School of Christian Literature. it also includes the "Announcement for 1873" for the Winter Term commencing January 7, 1873.
Annual college catalog listing courses of study, alumni, roll of students, historical sketch, calendar, honorary degrees, admission requirements, descriptions of departments, summary of students, and lists of faculty and trustees. Includes BaldwinSchool, School of Music, and College of Liberal Arts.
Annual college catalog listing courses of study, alumni, roll of students, historical sketch, calendar, honorary degrees, admission requirements, descriptions of departments, summary of students, and lists of faculty and trustees. Includes BaldwinSchool, School of Music, and College of Liberal Arts.
Annual college catalog listing courses of study, alumni, roll of students, historical sketch, calendar, honorary degrees, admission requirements, descriptions of departments, summary of students, and lists of faculty and trustees. Includes BaldwinSchool, School of Music, and College of Liberal Arts.
Annual college catalog listing courses of study, alumni, roll of students, historical sketch, calendar, honorary degrees, admission requirements, descriptions of departments, summary of students, and lists of faculty and trustees. Includes BaldwinSchool (Macalester Classical Academy), School of Music, and College of Liberal Arts.