Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lots 23 and 24, Block 15 of Churchill Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Robert Siebert, Builder: Robert Siebert. Permit granted on April 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lot 7, Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: B.F. Rice. Permit rejected on March 19, 1886..
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: George Jucks, Builder: Andrew Oleson. Permit granted on March 22, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 5, Block 24 of Original Town. Owner: A.C. Lull, Builder: E. Brown. Permit granted on March 23, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Main Street, Block 1 of Original Town. Owner: N.W. Manufacturing and Car Company, Builder: L.W. Eldred. Permit granted on March 23, 1886.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Lot 8, Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: John McKusick. Permit rejected on March 29, 1886, then granted on April 3, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 1, Block 31 of Original Town. Owner: Theo Jussoy, Architect: C.F. Struck , Builder: George Low. Permit granted on April 8, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, First Street, Lot 22, Block 1 of Churchill and Nelsons Second. Owner: Andrew McMahon, Builder: Michael Carroll. Permit granted on April 9, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Water Street, Lot 8, Block 28 of Original Town. Owner: Frank Barrar, Architect: George Low, Builder: Thomas Roney. Permit granted on April 8, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 5, Block 34 of Original Town. Owner: George Volmer, Builder: Thomas Roney. Permit granted on March 29, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Block 2 of Marshs Second. Owner: O'Neal Brothers. Permit granted on April 10, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lots 8, 9, Block 2 of Marshs Second. Owner: John Swanson. Permit granted on April 12, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: Wast side, Second Street, Lot 4, Block 30 of Originial Town. Owner: F. Curtiss, Builder: M. L. Hanly. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 4 and 5, Block 14 of Churchill Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: George Price, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 1 and 2, Block 12 of Original Town. Owner: Mrs. E. Lawell, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Cherry Street, Block 7 of Original Town. Owner: J. B. Sanborn, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Holcombe, Lot 11 and 13 Block 9 of Thompson Parker and Mowers Second. Owner: B. McSweeney, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 1, Block 16 of Original Town. Owner: Duncan Chisholm. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, between Original Town and Carli and Schulenberg. Owner: John Westergreen, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on April 16, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fifth Street, unplatted. Owner: Mrs. J. L. Anderson, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on April 16, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 6 Block 4 of Carli and Schulenberg. Owner: John Lindgren, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on April 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 19, Block 4 of Churchill and Nelson Second. Owner: D. Gaslin, Builder: L. Sutherland. Permit granted on September 6, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 11 and 12, Block 14 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughter. Owner: M. F. Butler, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on September 7, 1886.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sherburne Street, Lot 9, Block 5 of Greely and Slaughters. Owner: William Knospe. Permit granted on September 14, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, School Street, land between Originial Town and Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: W. K. Wordeman, Builder: E. B. Ryder. Permit granted on September 13, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Laurel Street, Lot 24, Block 1 of Sabins. Owner: John Peterson, Builder: Marty Nelson. Permit granted on September 21, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Churchill Street, Lot 4, Block 9 of Holcombes. Owner: Emily H. Battles, Builder: P. L. Flanagin. Permit granted on September 18, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, First Street, Lot 11, Block 2 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughter. Owner: Ossina Low , Builder: George Low. Permit granted on September 23, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Chestnut Street, Lot 1, Block 30 of Originial Town. Owner: Theo Jassoy, Builder: George Low. Permit granted on September 23, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Churchill Street, Lot 28, Block 14 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: D. L. Burlingham, Architect: August Jackson, Builder: August Jackson . Permit granted on October 2, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, St. Croix Avenue, Lot 6, Block 17 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: J. Pairier. Permit granted on September 28, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: J. P. Hanson. Permit granted on September 28, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 1, Block 4 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: Russell Pense, Builder: R. G. Blanohand. Permit granted on October 12, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Lot 8, Block 1 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: Herman Lepass. Permit granted on October 15, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lot 18 and 19, Block 2 of Churchill and Nelson, Second. Owner: James Gillis. Permit granted on October 6, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sixth Street, Lot 3 and 4, Block 3 of Wilsons. Owner: Ino Booran, Architect: August Jackson, Builder: August Jackson. Permit granted on October 21, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lot 6, Block 18 of Originial Town. Owner: Charles Boo, Architect: Charles Boo, Builder: Charles Boo. Permit granted on October 15, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Lot 1, Block 29 of Originial Town. Owner: S. Hanson. Permit granted on October 16, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 6 and 7, Block 14 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: J. C. Forster, Architect: Northy, Builder: Northy. Permit granted on October 20, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 12, Block 2 of Marsh Second. Owner: H. Forst, Builder: E. Olson. Permit granted on October 18, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fifth Street, Lot 27, Block 1 of Sabins. Owner: Nels Peterson. Permit granted on November 3, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Fourth Street, Lot 8, Block 21 of Original Town. Owner: H. Voligny. Permit granted on October 27, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sixth Avenue, Lot 8, Block 16 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Chas A. Krona, Architect: Frank Peterson, Builder: Frank Peterson. Permit granted on October 29, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Third Street, Lot 1, Block 36 of Original Town. Owner: H. D. Lotz. Permit granted on October 29, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Hickory Street, Lot 9, Block 12 of Staples and Mays. Owner: Steven Oslund. Permit granted on November 2, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, North Second Street, Lot 2, Block 14 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: M. W. Bolles. Permit granted on October 23, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 7, Block 44 of Original Town. Owner: William Willim, Builder: J. Sutherland. Permit granted on November 12, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Greely Street, Lot 3, Block 1 sof Sabins. Owner: Nels Peterson. Permit granted on November 3, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Alion Street, Lot 9, Block 2 of Webster. Owner: Chas Mosier, Architect: Thos Roney, Builder: Thos Roney . Permit granted on November 3, 1886.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Second Street, Lot 2, Block 13 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: F. M. Bordwell, Builder: J. Sutherland. Permit granted on November 16, 1886.