
You searched for: Physical Format Announcements Remove constraint Physical Format: Announcements

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1. Announcement and order form for Icelandic Hekla Club Cookbook, October 18, 1999, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

2. Announcement for an exhibition: Collection of the work of American illustrators [Exhibition of the work of American illustrators], 1911, sponsored by the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

3. Announcement of Icelandic Picnic and Icelandair ticket raffle, June 15, 1996, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

4. Announcement of Mrs. Harriet Tidball's seminar on handweaving at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

5. A Word to the Members and Friends of the Young Men's Library Association, Winona, Minnesota

6. Iceland Day Proclamation, April 23, 2017, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

7. Kvennahlaup flyer, June 18, 2017, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

8. 1978 Minnesota Governor's pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services announcement, Minneapolis, Minnesota

9. 1909 Minnesota Library Association annual conference announcement, Duluth, Minnesota

10. 1961 Minnesota Library Association annual conference reminder, St. Paul, Minnesota

11. 1968 Minnesota's first govenor's conference on library service announcement 1, St. Paul, Minnesota

12. 1968 Minnesota's first govenor's conference on library service announcement 2, St. Paul, Minnesota

13. 1968 National library week announcement

14. Press Release from the Eighth Air Force Station regarding Joseph M. Gwiazdon to the Columbia Heights Record, dated September 29, 1944, Columbia Heights, Minnesota

15. Press Release from the United States Air Service Command about Corporal Dean Milton Boden sent to the Columbia Heights Record, Columbia Heights, Minnesota

16. Press Release from the United States Air Service Command regarding Corporal Joe P. Burmis to the Columbia Heights Record, dated April 28, 1944, Columbia Heights Minnesota

17. Press Release from the United States Air Service Command regarding Leo P. Porter to the Columbia Heights Record, Columbia Heights Minnesota

18. Press Release from the United States Air Service Command regarding Leo P. Porter to the Columbia Heights Record, dated July 27, 1944, Columbia Heights Minnesota

19. Rules and regulations for the eighth annual exhibition of the work of local artists, October, 1922 [September 30-October 30, 1922], held at the Minneapolis Institute of Art (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

20. Rules and regulations for the first annual exhibition of the work of Minneapolis artists, December 4-31, 1915, held at the Minneapolis Institute of Art (Minneapolis, Minnesota)/ Minneapolis School of Art Alumni Association; Attic Club; Smock and Smudge Club; Twin City Keramic Club; Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts; Minneapolis Institute of Art

21. Rules and regulations for the third annual exhibition of the work of Minneapolis artists, November 3-30, 1917, held at the Minneapolis Institute of Art (Minneapolis, Minnesota) / Artists' League of Minneapolis; Minneapolis School of Art Alumni Association; Attic Club; Twin City Keramic Club; Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts; Minneapolis Institute of Art

22. Scandinavian Food & Craft Festival announcement, September 13, 1986, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

23. To the Members and All Others Interested in the Young Men's Library Association, Winona, Minnesota

24. Wool Blanket Raffle Ticket and Announcement, September 14, 1990, Icelandic Hekla Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota

25. Call to volunteer to tutor ESL, Minnesota Literacy Council, St. Paul, Minnesota