Photograph is taken from the present day corners of Washington and 4th Streets. Building materials are now in abundance as construction moves ahead. In this photograph the cranes are now rigged with their cables. The scaffold on the right side of the photograph shows what may be hand holds permitting the crane operator to climb into the operating cab.
Photograph is taken from the present day corners of Kellogg Boulevard and Market Street, looking towards Washington Street. Construction workers and supervisors are on site. To their left is a portable steam engine on a sledge, known as a "donkey engine." Building materials on site include a shipment of bricks. Wood and metal framings are in place for work on the first floor of the library. Scaffolds are now enclosed inside the building walls of the second floor.
Photograph is taken from present day 4th Street. Work begins on the first floor of the library. Foundation work for the library staircase is beginning.
Photograph is taken from approximately present day corners of Kellogg Boulevard and Market Street, looking towards Washington and 4th Streets. The photograph shows the foundation of the construction site almost completed. The building being constructed in the background is the Minnesota Club. In the far background of the construction is the Cathedral of Saint Paul.
Photograph is taken from present day corners of 4th and Washington Streets, looking towards Kellogg Boulevard and Market Street. The entrance to the construction site is off of Kellogg Boulevard. The construction shacks of the Thomas J. Steen company are by that entrance. The construction barricade provides advertisement for North Western Fuel Company's Scranton Coal. Construction for the building cranes has begun.
This photograph is taken from Washington Street looking towards the corners of Market Street and Kellogg Boulevard. A scaffold and building crane are now on site. Some areas of the foundation are being enclosed.
This photograph is taken from approximately the present day corner of Market Street and Kellogg Boulevard, looking towards Washington and 4th Streets. The entire construction area is surrounded by a barricade. A delivery of lumber has a sign on it that reads: "Brooks Brothers Lumber." The second floor of the Minnesota Club is being worked on. The tower of the Cathedral of Saint Paul is visible behind the Minnesota Club. The Saint Paul Auditorium is to the right of the Minnesota Club. The twin spires of the Saint Louis Catholic Church can be seen behind the trees of Rice Park, which is on 4th Street.
The photograph is taken from present day Market Street, looking towards Washington Street. Construction of the scaffolds and building cranes has begun. Construction continues on the third floor of the Minnesota Club.