The Ed and Bertha Dahl home in Nora Township. Exterior view, probably from a silo, of the recently completed "four-square" home. Ed Dahl was a prolific builder of homes, barns and commercial buildings in Pope County and the surrounding region.
Fourth of July celebration at the Agricultural Society grounds in Glenwood. A large crowd is assembled for a hot air balloon ascension and other recreational events.
White Bear Lake Church, 1867-1933. The name changed to Barsness Lutheran Church reflecting its location in Barsness Township in 1933 and remains an active congregation in 2010. This image shows the exterior of the church built in 1883, north and west facades as viewed from across the cemetery. A new basement was built under the structure in 1930 and was fully remodeled and redecorated in 1937.
Exterior view of the Berry & Toombs Furniture and Undertaking building on the corner of Franklin Street and Green Street (First Avenue SE) Glenwood was built by Joseph H. Furtney (1854-1935) in 1911. Herman Berry and Winfield Toombs are seated in the delivery wagon pulled by Berry's horse, Bess.
Larson Brothers Construction (Starbuck, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Blueprints for Cottage at Peters Sunset Beach Resort in Glenwood, Minnesota. The finished building is known as the Annex. Drawn by Larson Brothers Construction April 21, 1928. There are two pages: One with the floorplan for the basement, first floor, and second floor. The other page has the front elevation. We have both the original drawing and a blueprint copy of both pages.
Larson Brothers Construction (Starbuck, Minnesota)
Date Created:
1925 - 1935
Original drawings for Court Building at Peters Sunset Beach Resort near Glenwood, Minnesota. The drawings are not dated or labeled, but they came from Larson Brothers Construction in Starbuck. The building was identified by Pope County Historical Society staff members. There are 4 pages, including: Front elevation 50 x 90.5 cm, 1st Floor Plan 49 x 90 cm, 2nd Floor plan 49 x 90 cm, and Basement & Foundation plan 49.5 x 90 cm.
Blueprints and original drawings for the East Zion Church Norwegian Lutheran Congregation near Starbuck, Minnesota. The drawings were done by O.E. Larson in 1920 and the building was built by Larson Brothers Construction. There are 12 large sheets that include original drawings and blueprints of various elevations and details. There is also an 11 page specification book.
Minneapolis Saint Paul and Saulte Ste Marie Railroad
Date Created:
Photocopies of blueprints for the Sam Parker House Hotel at the Soo Line depot in Glenwood. It was designed for the Minneapolis Saint Paul and Saulte Ste Marie Railroad by the office of Buildings and Bridges. The dates on the pages vary. There are four sheets: First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan - Drawn January 4, 1912, Basement Plan and cross section�- Drawn January 4, 1912, and Trim details - drawn March 28, 1916.
Larson Brothers Construction (Starbuck, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Blueprint for Super Service Station Glenwood 1928 drawn by Larson Brothers Construction October 15, 1928. We cannot find a building in Glenwood that matches this drawing. It may not have been built.
Larson Brothers Construction (Starbuck, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Blueprints for the Alfred Erickson Home designed by Larson Brothers Construction in Starbuck in 1925. There are 6 pages of blueprints. Each of them is 36 x 46 cm.
Larson Brothers Construction (Starbuck, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Blueprints for the Farmers Co-op Creamery in Lowry drawn by Larson Brothers Construction September 18, 1928. This set has both the original drawings on onion skin paper and the blueprint copies.
Blueprints for the First National Bank in Farwell, Minnesota 1921, drawn by O. E. Larson, Architect from Starbuck, Minnesota. The plans were drawn September 5, 1921 and include front, south, and rear elevations as well as a cross section, floor plan, and basement plan.
Larson Brothers Construction (Starbuck, Minnesota)
Date Created:
1920 - 1930
Three pages of original drawing for the Jacob "John" and George Bjokne house in Lowry. It was designed and built by Larson Brothers Construction of Starbuck. The house stands at 221 Florence Avenue in Lowry. There is a history of the ownership of the house in the book "Our Home Town, Lowry, Minnesota." The pages include: Floor plans for the basement, 1st and 2nd floor - 38 x 75 cm, front elevation 35.5 x 44 cm, and south side elevation 35 x 31 cm.
Blueprints for the Swanson Bakery Addition in Glenwood, Minnesota. The plans were drawn b W. R. Dennis Architect from Fergus Falls, Minnesota on March 23, 1927. There are two pages of blueprints and a specification booklet. The spec book is 8 pages long with a cover.
Jackson, Frank W., Architects (St. Cloud, Minnesota)
Date Created:
Blueprints for the Westport Public School 1939. The school was also known as School District #63 in Pope County, Minnesota. Designed by Frank W. Jackson, Architect, St. Cloud, Minnesota, June 8, 1939. There are 12 pages in the roll showing various elevations and floor plans.
Blueprints of Methodist Church Glenwood, Minnesota, drawn by Foss & Foss Architects of St. Cloud. There are 7 sheets of blueprints and the specification book.