This contract, for a piece of land in Graham County, Kansas, is between Samuel Houghton Graves of Close Brothers & Company for William Austin, Edward Ford North and Robert Edward Bateman of England, and William W. Yocom of Benton County, Iowa. It is for the Southeast quarter of Section 27 Township9 South, of Range 25 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. This is in Graham County, Kansas. The contract involves 160 acres for the sum of$1,120 and includes a detail of payment made between April 27, 1887, and cancelled for nonpayment August 1900. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under the business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
This contract, for a piece of land in Nobles County, Minnesota, is between B.K.W. Pearse of Close Brothers & Company and Mathew Mulroy of Nobles County, Minnesota. It is for the northwest quarter of Section 29 in Township 103 North, of Range 43 west of the fifth principal meridian. This land is in Lismore Township, Nobles County, Minnesota. The contract involves 160 acres for the sum of $1,440 and includes detail of payment made between June 13, 1889, and paid in full November 28, 1892. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under the business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in Pipestone County, MInnesota, is between Robert H. Benson of Iowa Land Company Limited and H.G. Barchard of. It is for the East one half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 29 in township 107 North of Range 45 west of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Grange Township, Pipetone County, Minnesota. The contract involves 400 acres for the sum of $3,400 and includes a detail of payments made between April 25, 1883 and cancelled for non payment. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
Exterior of Hennessy Brothers Saloon with seven men posing in front. Very center has two pistols a knife and a shotgun. Two story, free standing, wooden building.
Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in Nobles County, Minnesota, is between John Rotherham of Close Brothers & Company and Theodore Schultz of Nobles County, Minnesota. It is for Section 9 in Township 101 North, of Range 42 west of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Little Rock Township, Nobles County, Minnesota. The contract involves 80 acres for the sum of $760 and includes detail of payment made beginning May 26, 1885. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in Pipestone County, Minnesota, is between S.H. Graves of Close Brothers & Company and Daniel Thompson of Lincoln County, Minnesota. It is for the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 31 in Township 108 North, of Range 46 West of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Altona Township, Pipestone County, Minnesota. The contract involves 80 acres for the sum of $780 and includes detail of payment made between April 15, 1885 and January 9, 1889. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in Pipestone County, Minnesota, is between S.H. Graves of Close Brothers & Company and Nils Bratten of Dawson County, Nebraska. It is for the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 3 in Township 105 North, of Range 46 west of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Eden Township, Pipestone County Minnesota. The contract involves 80.66 acres for the sum of $746 and includes detail of payment made between May 2, 1885 and cancellation. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in Pipestone County, Minnesota, is between Samuel Haughton Graves of Close Brothers & Company for South MInnesota Land Company and C.C. Schrader of Kane County, Illinois. It is for Section 23 in Township 107 North, of range 46 West of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Troy Township, Pipestone County, Minnesota. The contract involves 160 acres for the sum of $1,180 and includes detail of payment made beginning May 5, 1885. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
This contract for a piece of land in Pipestone County, Minnesota, is between S.H. Graves of Close Brothers & Company and Sam Christian of Strong County, Iowa. It is for the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 105 North, of Range 46 West of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Eden Township of Pipestone County, Minnesota. The contract involves 320 acres for the sum of $2,640 and includes detail of payments made between May 4, 1885, and May 4, 1889. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in Pipestone County, Minnesota, is between S.H. Graves of Close Brothers & Company and Holger B. Bjelland of Story County, Iowa. It is for the Southwest quarter of Section 21 in township 107 North, of Range 45 West of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Grange Township, Pipestone County, Minnesota. The contract involves 160 acres for the sum of $1,680 and includes detail of payment made between May 5, 1885 and cancellation. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in Pipestone County, Minnesota, is between S.H. Graves of Close Brothers & Company for South Minnesota Land Company and L. R. Larson of Story County, Iowa. It is for the west one half Southeast quarter of Section 11 in Township 105 North, of Range 46 West of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Eden Township, Pipestone County, Minnesota. The contract involves 80 acres for the sum of $720 and includes a detail of payments made between May 5, 1885 and paid in full. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.
Close Brothers & Company, 84 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois
Date Created:
This contract, for a piece of land in PIpestone County, Minnesota, is between S. H. Graves of Close Brothers & Company for South Minnesota Land Company and Tollef T. Holm and Benjamin T. Holm of Story County, Iowa. It is for the Northwest quarter of Section 3 in Township 105 North, of Range 46 West of the fifth principal meridian. This is in Eden Township, Pipestone County, Minnesota. The contract involves 160.37 acres for the sum of $1,114.33 and includes a detail of payments made between May 15, 1885 and paid in full. The Close Brothers & Company, composed of William Close, James Close, John Close, Frederick Close and S.H. Graves, organized in 1876 and located in Pipestone in 1883. They also operated under business names Western Land Company and the South Minnesota Land Company.