Text of the Northfield City Charter with resolutions, ordinances and notices as recorded by the City of Northfield, Minnesota from March 1875 to June 1906.
Text of the Northfield City Charter with resolutions, ordinances and notices as recorded by the City of Northfield, Minnesota from January 1908 to March 1957.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. VI, No. 4, June 1911. Cover features a photograph of cows standing in shallow water. Cover story: State Breeders Meet, Governor Unable to Come, Large Number of Interesting Addresses.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. VI, No. 6, August 1911. Cover features a photograph of T. L. Haecker, father of dairying in Minnesota and principal speaker on Dairyman's Day at the Rice County Fair at Northfield, Thursday, Sept. 21st, 1911. Cover story: Filling the Silo, by W. J. Kennedy of the Iowa Experiment Station.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. VI, No. 5, July 1911. Cover features a photograph of a Minnesota State Dairyman's Association's loving cup award. Cover story: Tuberculosis in Cattle, Paper Delivered Before The Holstein-Friesian Association at a Meeting Held in Syracuse, N. Y., June 7th, 1911, by Henry Baird Favill, M. D. of Chicago.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. VI, No. 7, September 1911. Cover features a generic photograph of cows grazing. Cover story: Cow Testing Again, Prof. Haecker Talks Very Plain on the Matter of 'Fatty Tests,' Warning Breeders to Go Slow.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. VI, No. 8, October 1911. Cover features a photograph of Lady Oak Fobes DeKol, owned by W. F. Schilling, Northfield. Cover story: Minnesota - The Bread and Butter State, by William E. Curtis.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. VI, Nos. 9-10, November-December 1911. Cover features a photograph of a Guernsey bull, Robiana's Standard, a leading sire of advanced registry daughters, owned at the Jean du Luth Farm, Duluth, Minn. Cover story: The Crookston Meeting, Eighth Annual Convention of the Red River Valley Dairyman's Association.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. VI, No. 11, January 1912. Cover features a photograph of the gilt-edge cooperative creamery at Owatonna, Minnesota. Cover story: The Albert Lea Convention [Minnesota State Butter and Cheesemakers' Association].
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. VI, No. 12, February 1912. Cover features a photograph of Lillian De Kol Albino, a typical Holstein-Friesian cow. Cover story: Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention of the Minnesota State Dairyman's Ass'n held at Wadena, Minnesota, January 16th to 19th, 1912.
This 1865 diary records the daily farming activities of Newton Persons as well as the farm's production. On a daily basis, Newton recorded the weather conditions. Newton mentions neighbors and family. He was called to St. Paul to register for the draft but was not needed. He recorded the murders of President Abraham Lincoln and a neighbor.
This 1878 pocket diary records the daily farming activities of Newton Persons as well as the farm's production and employment. It includes weather information as well as details on neighbors and family members. He also visited friends and relatives in Indiana and met his future wife, Phebe Grills. The diary records their wedding on September 19, 1878. Daily entries consist of a few short lines, and the book contains a cash account, calendars, and other information.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. IV, No. 4, June 1909. Cover features a photograph with cows in the distance and brush or blurring in the foreground. Cover story: Holstein-Friesian Association of America, Association's 24th Annual Meeting at Syracuse, New York - Secretary's Report is a Good One.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. IV, No. 6, August 1909. Cover features a photograph of five head of cattle lined up, the Jersey class under one year at the North Dakota State Fair, 1909. Cover story: Value of Milk as a Food, A Comparison of Milk With Other Articles of Diet.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. IV, No. 9, November 1909. Cover features a photograph of a few dairy cattle at the McLeod County Fair, 1909. Cover story: Dairy Suggestions from European Conditions, Extracts from University of Illinois Ag. Ex. Sta. Oct. Bulletin, No. 140. By Wilbur J. Frazer, Chief, and R. E. Brand, Ass't in Dairy Husbandry.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. IV, No. 8, October 1909. Cover features a photograph of dairy cattle at the Steele County Fair. Cover story: The National Dairy Show, Milwaukee Seems Place Where Dairymen Should Meet Annually.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. IV, No. 7, September 1909. Cover features a photograph of a scene on the farm of Hon. C. W. Glotfelter of Waterville, Minn. Cover story: The Minnesota State Fair, List of the Cattle Winning Blue Ribbosn and Other Fair Gossip.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. IV, No. 10, December 1909. Cover features a photograph of one of F. H. Scribner's great Jersey cows. Cover story: Dairy Suggestions from European Conditions, Extracts from University of Illinois Ag. Ex. Sta. Oct. Bulletin, No. 140. By Wilbur J. Frazer, Chief, and R. E. Brand, Ass't in Dairy Husbandry.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. III, No. 11, January 1909. Cover features a photograph of cattle in a field with trees in the background. Cover story: President Roosevelt on Farm Homes and Farm Education, excerpts from a letter.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. IV, No. 12, February 1910. Cover features a photograph of a scene on the farm of H. S. Cheney, Southbridge, Mass. Cover story: Thirty-Second Annual Convention of Minnesota State Dairyman's Ass'n, A Record Breaking Meeting - 400 Attend Citizen's Banquet, Editor of Dairyman Reflected as President of Association.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. V, No. 1, March 1910. Cover features a photograph of the Lynn Bros. Farm in Rice County, Minnesota. Cover story: The Iowa Dairy Special, A 2,000-Mile Trip For Advancement of Dairy Industry.
Minnesota Dairyman, Vol. V, No. 2, April 1910. Cover features a photograph of a cow with a lake or river in the background. Cover story: Minnesota's Farms, Rise of One of the Richest and Most Beautiful States, Address by Archbishop Ireland Before Minnesota Conservation Congress.