Sketch of east side of downtown Northfield, Minnesota, by local historian Robert R. (Bob) Warn, based on photographs, lithographs and written descriptions. The city is depicted as it probably looked in the mid-1800s as seen from near the top of the Ames Mill. Buildings are marked with numbers: 1, the home of John and Ann North, built in 1855. 2, the Lyceum building. 3, the saw mill built in 1855-6 by Jacobs and Ives for John North. 4, Grist Mill built in 1855-6 for John North. 5, American House hotel built by John North in 1857. 6, Liberty Pole. 7, Public school at the southwest corner of Union and Third streets. 8, Old Brown Church. 9, Charles Taylor's law office. 10, Rice County Journal building. 11, first Scriver Building site. 12, Herman Jenkins' Tavern, built in 1856. 13, the second bridge to be built in the location of the current Fourth Street bridge, about 1865.
The car includes: Leatrice Swenson, Cinderella III, Duchess of Dakota County. Behind her is Charlotte Rlstad of Greenvale Victors. The car is driven by Dorsey Hussey.