Children playing on a bench in the park with A.T. Latta Dry Goods painted on it. Small dog and tents also in the photograph. Photograph was taken during a Chautauqua celebration.
A Chautauqua celebration in Chautauqua Park in Worthington, Minnesota, with a large crowd lining up by the dining hall. Tents and flags all around the park.
Panoramic photograph showing 10th Street and Third Avenue looking south down 10th and east down Third. State Bank of Worthington; J.J. Kies, Real estate loans and insurance; S.S. Smith, Lawyer; National Bank of Worthington; Thompson Hotel
The Rose Cab Company, a line up of five taxi automobiles looks like they are ready for a parade. People in the photograph from left to right is Bill Rose (Cowboy), Fred Rose, Ernie Stiegelmeyer driver #250-662, Charles Dovey.
A Chautauqua celebration in Chautauqua Park in Worthington, Minnesota, with a group of children playing with tents and Okabena Lake shore in the background. 1447
The Rose Cab Company, Worthington, Minnesota. Line up of five taxi automobiles in front of the Grand Theater on 10th Street. People in the photograph from left to right is Second driver - Vance Stove, Child - Mose Anderson, Thirdrd driver - Fred Rose, on sidewalk - Willie Baker, Fourth driver - Charles Dovey, Ernie Stegelmeyer.
Nobles County egg show, 1926. Photograph taken inside of the Armory building in Worthington, Minnesota, St. John Seed Company had a display, Worthington Creamer and Produce Company had a display. Large display of chickens and eggs. E.O. Olson got the Silver Cup.
A big band, "Tiny and His Texas Toe Teasers," at the Grand Theater in Worthington, Minnesota, in 1927. Al Koepsell on trombone, Dutch Dessen on bass horn, Herbie Koepsell on trumpet, Nick Hand on drums, Norwel Christiansen on banjo, Irvine Tiny Little on saxophone, Aerie Christiansen on piano. The Grand Theater operated by Geo Ehlers was next to Ahlf; Drug Store.