This is the Worthington municipal power plant building that sat on the corner of 3rd Avenue on 8th Street. The image is of the east side of the building looking west toward the lake.
The World's Largest Egg Show. Nobles County Poultry Association, Worthington, Minnesota. January 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1930. 1040 dozens of eggs on display.
Train wreck on the Omaha railroad line south of Worthington, Minnesota. Two trains ran head on into each other on November 30, 1929. Photo labeled No. 1.
Image number 4. Train wreck on the Omaha railroad line south of Worthington, Minnesota. Two trains ran head on into each other on November 30, 1929. Photo labeled No. 4.
Image number 2. Train wreck on the Omaha railroad line south of Worthington, Minnesota. Two trains ran head on into each other on November 30, 1929. Photo labeled No. 2.
The Rose Cab Company, a line up of five taxi automobiles looks like they are ready for a parade. People in the photograph from left to right is Bill Rose (Cowboy), Fred Rose, Ernie Stiegelmeyer driver #250-662, Charles Dovey.
A big band, "Tiny and His Texas Toe Teasers," at the Grand Theater in Worthington, Minnesota, in 1927. Al Koepsell on trombone, Dutch Dessen on bass horn, Herbie Koepsell on trumpet, Nick Hand on drums, Norwel Christiansen on banjo, Irvine Tiny Little on saxophone, Aerie Christiansen on piano. The Grand Theater operated by Geo Ehlers was next to Ahlf; Drug Store.
The Rose Cab Company, Worthington, Minnesota. Line up of five taxi automobiles in front of the Grand Theater on 10th Street. People in the photograph from left to right is Second driver - Vance Stove, Child - Mose Anderson, Thirdrd driver - Fred Rose, on sidewalk - Willie Baker, Fourth driver - Charles Dovey, Ernie Stegelmeyer.
Nobles County egg show, 1926. Photograph taken inside of the Armory building in Worthington, Minnesota, St. John Seed Company had a display, Worthington Creamer and Produce Company had a display. Large display of chickens and eggs. E.O. Olson got the Silver Cup.
A group photograph taken at H. J. Ludlow Golden Wedding celebration of 1923. Some people in the photograph include: Beckley, Mann, Moore, Bedford, Loveless, Buchan, Bingham, Shell, Hurd, Crever, Torrance, Twitchel, Clark, Matteson.
Steam engine pulling threshing machine in Elk Township, Nobles County Minnesota. The four men in the photograph are: Logan Fallett on the tractor, Clifford Fallett, William Fallett with arm extended and W. A. Fallett their father.
Mrs. A.T. Latta, driving a 1917 Buick, gaily festooned was awarded the first prize in the fourth of July parade. They are just passing Richardson's Ice Cream Store at Fourth Avenue and 10th Street. Beside her is Mrs. Dunham with her Robbie in the sailors suit. Others dressed for the occasion are Dono Becker, Miriam Latta Schwieder, Ardith Latta Nelson and Francelia Latta Pinsonault.
Interior of the J. E. Erickson Machinist shop in Worthington, Minnesota. J.E. Erickson proprietor and George Jacobson helper. Photograph was used on a 1918 calendar.
A 22-page photograph album with a paper cover and 18 photographs glued on the pages. Most of the photographs are of the exterior of farm houses and scenes of field work from around the Rushmore, Minnesota, area.
Panoramic photograph showing 10th Street and Third Avenue looking south down 10th and east down Third. State Bank of Worthington; J.J. Kies, Real estate loans and insurance; S.S. Smith, Lawyer; National Bank of Worthington; Thompson Hotel
View of the four hitch tanker wagon used for kerosene delivery with two men on it. The caption on the back of the photograph reads, "Delivering to surrounding town by Mr. Henry Boyer and Ed Jenkins of Round Lake, Round Lake School house in background."
Hardcover book containing maps of the villages, cities and townships of Nobles County; map of Minnesota, United States and World; Patrons Directory; Illustrations of local people and places; Reference Business Directory; and Analysis of the System of U.S. Land Surveys.
Third Avenue in Worthington, Minnesota, on a winter day. Visible and labeled is the Worthington Globe newspaper office, city offices, offices of Dr. Weiaow and Dr. Mork.
10th Street Worthington, Minnesota. Photograph taken from the court house tower looking east. Buildings on left, 1. Hub Mercantile run by Gus Swanberg and Dave Anderson, 2. Live Wire Variety run by P.O. Lien and M. Richardson, his brother-in-law. Buildings on the right 1. Citizens Bank, 2. Schmidt Shoe, 3. Loveless Grocery and Bakery.
The six Leistico brothers in long fur coats in a studio setting. Leistico, Albert; Leistico, Fred; Leistico, Henry; Leistico, Herman; Leistico, Otto; Leistico, Fred
A Chautauqua celebration in Chautauqua Park in Worthington, Minnesota. Rushmore Row is a line of tents where Rushmore, Minnesota, people were staying. The people in the photo are 1. Mrs. W.R. McChord 2. Mrs. Oscar Malmquist 3. Mr. Oscar Malmquist 4. Mr. W R. McChord
What looks like the 4th of July celebration in Worthington. Looking north on 10th Street at the intersection of 2nd Avenue. Photo was used in the 1908 Arthur Rose History of Nobles County book on page 185.
The steam boat the Little Sioux at a dock on Okabena Lake in Worthington, Minnesota. The ship has a large U.S. flag on each end. Also a row boat with people in at the dock. The ship has was owned by Dr. Raymond Humiston. 1034
A Chautauqua celebration in Chautauqua Park in Worthington, Minnesota, with a large crowd lining up by the dining hall. Tents and flags all around the park.
A Chautauqua celebration in Chautauqua Park in Worthington, Minnesota, with a group of children playing with tents and Okabena Lake shore in the background. 1447
A Chautauqua celebration in Chautauqua Park in Worthington, Minnesota, with tents and the pavilion in the background. Lake Okabena also in the background. 1437
A Chautauqua celebration in Chautauqua Park in Worthington, Minnesota, with a group of children playing with tents and Okabena Lake shore in the background.
A Chautauqua celebration in Chautauqua Park in Worthington, Minnesota, with a large crowd lining up out side the pavilion. Dining hall in the background. 1425
A crowd listens to former U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt give a speech from the rear of a train in Rushmore or Org in Nobles County, Minnesota. Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States and served from 1901 to 1909.