
You searched for: Contributing Organization New Prague Area Historical Society Remove constraint Contributing Organization: New Prague Area Historical Society

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1. Main Street, New Prague

2. Simmer Flour Mill, New Prague, Minnesota

3. Minar Brewery, New Prague, Minnesota

4. St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, New Prague, Minnesota

5. Woman in Bohemian Costume, New Prague, Minnesota

6. Fourth of July celebration with fire department, New Prague, Minnesota

7. Fire Department, New Prague, Minnesota

8. Topka General Store and Block, New Prague, Minnesota

9. Opera House, New Prague, Minnesota

10. Kokes Brewery, New Prague, Minnesota

11. Main Street facing southwest, New Prague, Minnesota

12. Main Street, New Prague, Minnesota

13. Farm yard, New Prague, Minnesota

14. Main Street, New Prague, Minnesota

15. Albert Calupsky in Knights of Columbus Uniform, New Prague, Minnesota

16. Simmer Flour Mill, New Prague, Minnesota

17. Men's card game, New Prague, Minnesota

18. View of the Smisek family farm, New Prague, Minnesota

19. Child funeral, New Prague, Minnesota

20. New Prague baseball team, New Prague, Minnesota

21. Picha family spinning wool, New Prague, Minnesota

22. Portrait of Dr. E. E. Novak and friend, New Prague, Minnesota

23. Portrait of Dr. E. E. Novak, New Prague, Minnesota

24. Portrait of Dr. E. E. Novak, New Prague, Minnesota

25. Rech Family Home, New Prague, Minnesota

26. F. J. Maertz General Store, New Prague, Minnesota

27. St. Wenceslaus Class portrait, New Prague, Minnesota

28. Father Tichy of St. Wenceslaus Church, New Prague, Minnesota

29. Main Street, New Prague, Minnesota

30. New Prague Public School classroom, New Prague, Minnesota

31. Main Street looking east, New Prague, Minnesota

32. Main Street view looking west, New Prague, Minnesota

33. Fourth of July celebration, New Prague, Minnesota

34. Bird's-eye view of New Prague facing west, New Prague, Minnesota

35. Brass band, New Prague, Minnesota

36. Combined panoramas, New Prague, Minnesota

37. Farm yard, New Prague, Minnesota

38. Female Acting Group, New Montgomery Township, Minnesota

39. Hat fashions, Montgomery Township, Minnesota

40. Hat fashions, New Prague, Minnesota

41. John F. Schoenbauer's home in rural New Prague, Minnesota

42. Rural farm home with family, New Prague, Minnesota

43. Simmer Feed Mill, New Prague, Minnesota

44. St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, New Prague, Minnesota

45. St. Wenceslaus parochial school, New Prague, Minnesota

46. Threshing crew, New Prague, Minnesota

47. Unidentified home, New Prague, Minnesota

48. Main Street, New Prague, Minnesota

49. Basketball Team, New Prague, Minnesota

50. Memorial Day march to cemetery, New Prague, Minnesota

51. Topka's Block Saloon, New Prague, Minnesota

52. New Prague men's baseball team, New Prague, Minnesota

53. Seal of Minnesota football team, New Prague, Minnesota

54. Seal of Minnesota football team, New Prague, Minnesota

55. St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, New Prague, Minnesota

56. Sunday School Picnic, New Prague, Minnesota

57. New Prague baseball team, New Prague, Minnesota

58. Football player Fred Sery in uniform, New Prague, Minnesota

59. Bird's-eye view facing west, New Prague, Minnesota

60. Bird's-eye view of New Prague facing west with Saint Wenceslaus Church, New Prague, Minnesota

61. Seal of Minnesota football team, New Prague, Minnesota

62. Eighth Grade, Public School, New Prague, Minnesota

63. Main Street, New Prague, Minnesota

64. Aerial view facing northeast from International Milling, New Prague, Minnesota

65. Adult Funeral, New Prague, Minnesota

66. Dr. E. E. Novak in a buggy, New Prague, Minnesota

67. Factory worker, New Prague, Minnesota

68. Farmhouse, New Prague, Minnesota

69. Farmhouse, New Prague, Minnesota

70. New Prague Orchestra, New Prague, Minnesota

71. Seal of Minnesota men's baseball team, New Prague, Minnesota

72. St. Wenceslaus Cemetery Chapel, New Prague, Minnesota

73. Threshing crew at Melvin Busacker's farm, Lydia, Minnesota

74. Threshing scene with Elias Bruzek threshing rig, New Prague, Minnesota

75. Woman Telephone Operator, New Prague, Minnesota

76. Women on walking bridge over Sand Creek, New Prague, Minnesota

77. New Prague Auto Club event, New Prague, Minnesota

78. Duck hunting, New Prague, Minnesota

79. Tree with gun, New Prague, Minnesota

80. Duck hunting, New Prague, Minnesota

81. Men with bicycles, Le Sueur, Minnesota

82. Farm machinery day on Main Street New Prague, Minnesota

83. Lanesburgh School picnic, Lanesburgh Township, Minnesota

84. Bird's-eye view from International Milling Company facing east, New Prague, Minnesota

85. Seal of Minnesota football team, New Prague, Minnesota

86. Women students in pharmacy, New Prague, Minnesota

87. World War I doughboys, New Prague, Minnesota

88. Memorial Day Celebration, New Prague, Minnesota

89. Doctor in an examination room, New Prague, Minnesota

90. Father Cermak of St. Wenceslaus Church, New Prague, Minnesota

91. New Prague Feed Mill, New Prague, Minnesota

92. St. Wenceslaus Parish house, New Prague, Minnesota

93. First National Bank of New Prague, New Prague, Minnesota

94. Kubes Dray Line truck, New Prague, Minnesota

95. Kubes hearse, New Prague, Minnesota

96. Kubes horse-drawn hearse, New Prague, Minnesota

97. Men working with horses, New Prague, Minnesota

98. Playing Solitaire, New Prague, Minnesota

99. Valeria Rech sledding, New Prague, Minnesota

100. Harry Rech's shoe repair shop, New Prague, Minnesota