A special presentation of the remarkable personal testimonials about Minnesota's Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, with readings by the winners in the essay contest sponsored by Aveda Corporation and Milkweed Editions, Also featured: A presentation by Andrew Malcolm, the author of Mississippi Curents.
Volume 15, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in April 1966. Topics include Minnesota Library fact sheet with current statistics and needs; state-wide and local preparations for National Library Week; Membership Committee update; Announcement of Spring Meeting of MLA Academic Libraries section; and report form for National Library Week activities;
Volume 18, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in April 1969. Contents include a message from the MLA President about the second MLA midwinter meeting, MLA spring district meetings, a general report on the MLA Midwinter Meeting, an MLA Technical Services Section meeting announcement, an MLA Academic Libraries Section meeting, an announcement about an MLA workshop on effective display techniques, an upcoming Institute on Serviing Disadvantaged Adults, a bibliography on minority groups, upcoming Children's literature European study-tours, a MLA business meeting report, an ALA Midwinter Meeting report, a summary of federal legislation of interest to Minnesota librarians, MLA awards, an MLA treasurers report, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 19, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in April 1970. Contents include an MLA President's message, an announcement about National Library Week, MLA spring district meetings, upcoming Reference workshops, a reminder about the importance of reporting complaints and/or harassment about library materials, cooperative library projects, letter to the MLA membership in response to statements made to MLA executive board, the list of MLA officers, MLA section and committee reports, MLA Articles of Incorporation, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 15, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in August 1966. Topics include call for members interested in off-campus Library Science courses and questionnaire; MLA merges County and Public Library section; Hannis Smith names President of the American Association of State Libraries; biographies of MLA officers;
Volume 18, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in April 1969. Contents include information about the MLA fall conference, a list of candidates (and photos) for the 1969 MLA officers election, notice of MLA Outstanding Achievement Award winner and luncheon, a reminder to send MLA Award nominations, a letter asking for MLA endorsement of the newly-developed University of Minnesota Health Sciences program, MLA reports from the Technical Services Section and Academic Libraries Section, an editor's note, and a calendar of events.
Volume 9, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in December 1959. Content includes a list of officers and chairmen, message from MLA leaders, a list of MLA comittee-approved legislation items, an annual budget, and MLA membership registration form.
Volume 10, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in December 1960. Content includes MLA legislative program proposal, an annual budget, and MLA member registration form.
Volume 17, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in February 1968. Contents include a call for members to pay dues, announcement of new committee appointments, the 1968 MLA budget, the President's report, a call for interest in formation of an Audio-Visual Section, an announcement of the First Governor's Conference on Library Service, and a report from the American Library Association Councillor.
Volume 20, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Bulletin was published in February 1971. Contents include an MLA Midwinter Meeting report, the Minolta photocopy machine and the FASTCAT cataloging procedure, Minnesota's challenge for the 1970s to implement a statewide computer-aided library system, an MLA directory, MLA section and committee reports, an editor's note, and an events calendar.
Volume 11, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in January 1962. Content includes a call to Minnesota librarians to join MLA, a county and regional workshop announcement for the State Libraries section of MLA, upcoming district meetings, award announcement for Dakota-Scott Regional library, appointment of Hannis Smith as a consultant for the ALA Legislative Program, and MLA member registration form.
Volume 12, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in January 1963. Content includes a list of officers and chairment, district meeting notices, an announcement for an upcoming Institute on improving student services hosted by the Library School of the University of Minnesota and the Center for Continuation Study, MLA Reference section dinner announcement, and MLA membership registration form.
Volume 13, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) bulletin was published in January 1964. Content includes formation of the Library Development Committee and Adult Services Section, creation of Minnesota Librarian of the Year Award, and a call for old correspondence relating to MLA to be added to MLA archives. In addition, there are a list of officers and chairmen, National Library Week news, a list of contributing and sustaining organization members, 1963-1964 budget, local library event announcements, and MLA membership registration form.