Appraisal report on the Norman property located in Land Township, Grant County, Minnesota, the east half, southwest quarter, and part of northwest quarter Section 28-127-41 and southwest quarter northwest quarter Section 27-127-41. The report was prepared for Roger J. Nierengarten and includes property description, history, and valuation; maps and sales data.
Appraisal report on the Marlin Nadgwick property located in Land Township, Grant County, Minnesota, the southwest quarter, southeast quarter, northwest quarter, southwest quarter, northeast quarter Section 35-127-41. The report was prepared for Jon Stafsholt and includes property description, history, and valuation; maps and sales data.
Cooperative Power Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and United Power Association, Elk River, Minnesota, power line placement maps for Grant County and portions of Traverse and Stevens counties. Each map shows tower placement on copies of aerial photographs of affected properties and a graph showing elevations of towers above sea level.
Appraisal report on the Lavern Kellen property located in Gorton Township, Grant County, Minnesota, the southeast half and south half, northeast half of Section 6-128-44. The report was prepared for Thomas C. Athens and includes property description, history, and valuation; maps and sales data.
Appraisal report on the G.R. Haney property located in Gorton Township, Grant County, Minnesota, the west half of Section 1-128-44. The report was prepared for Jon Stafsholt and includes property description, history, and valuation; maps and sales data.
Appraisal report on the Noel Kjesbo property located in Gorton Township, Grant County, Minnesota, Government Lots 1 and 2 and south half, northeast quarter of Section 5-128-44. The report was prepared for Roger J. Nierengarten and includes property description, history and valuation; maps, and sales data.
Appraisal report on the Amanda Schmidt property located in Gorton Township, Grant County, Minnesota, Government Lots 3 and 4 and the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 5-128-44. The report was prepared for Roger J. Nierengarten and includes property description, history and valuation; maps, photo, and sales data.
Appraisal report on the Oscar C. Olson property located in Gorton Township, Grant County, Minnesota, south half, northwest quarter, north half, southwest quarter of Section 4-128-44. The report was prepared for Roger J. Nierengarten and includes property description, history, and valuation; maps, photos, and sales data.
Appraisal report on the Warren Olson property located in Gorton Township, Grant County, Minnesota, southwest quarter Section 3-128-44. The report was prepared for Roger J. Nierengarten and includes property description, history, and valuation; maps and sales data.
Appraisal report on the Warren Olson property located in Gorton Township, Grant County Minnesota , the S half NE quarter and Government Lots 1 and 2 of Section 3-128-44. The report was prepared for Roger J. Nierengarten and includes property description, history, and valuation; maps and sales data.
Appraisal report on the Harlan Groenwald property located in Gorton Township, Grant County, Minnesota, southeast quarter Section 4, northeast quarter Section 9, northwest quarter Section 10-128-44. The report was prepared for Roger J. Nierengarten and includes property description, history, and valuation; maps and sales data.