Crosby Ironton High School Boys Basketball Team poses with their coach. They are identified as (left to right): Lorraine Ellingson, Bob Young, Scott Carhart, Guy Demmick, Alfred Anderson, Evald Nelson, Albert Lee and Coach Randolph.
Crosby High School Boys Basketball Team poses with their coach. Those identified in the back row are (left to right): Fred Crosby, Iver Bergren, Fritz Enuis, Earl Dawson and Harvey Dale Thorpe. Those identified in the front row are (left to right): James Dibble, Jude Lewis and Oscar Anderson. The coach is unidentified.
Striking miners line Main Street in Crosby, Minnesota. They were attempting to improve their working conditions. A bicycle is parked against a light pole on the left.
The Methodist Episcopal Church sits on First Avenue North in Crosby, Minnesota. It features stained glass windows and a bell tower. A small cottage can be seen behind it.
The Crosby [Baseball] Ball Club poses on their field. They are (left to right): Bill Hillie, Harry Middlebrook, Art Prat, Paul Bezers, Earl Morse, Lindy (Lindahl) Ernest, Jack Schmidt, Nig Lane, Lee Nelson, Jude Lewis, Henning (Andy) Anderson and Jimmie Loppin.
Main Street in Crosby, Minnesota, had many businesses. On the left can be seen Bon Ton Cafe, Crosby Theater and a motel. On the right are Keely Drug, Anderson Taylor Shop, Smith's Variety, a bar and a hardware store.
The Spalding Hotel sits on Main Street, Crosby, Minnesota. Another building is under construction. A lone automobile drives down Main Street past a large pothole.
Main Street, Crosby, Minnesota, looking west shows on the left the Desoto Plymouth dealer with a gas pump outside, the Coast to Coast Hardware store, a drug store and many more businesses. On the right is the Spalding Hotel and Art's Fixit Shop.
This view of Main Street, Crosby, Minnesota, is looking west. On the left is the Desoto Plymouth dealer with gas pump in front. Next to it is the Red Owl Store, a bakery and a beauty shop. Across the street is the Spalding Hotel with the Dutch Room.
Main Street, Crosby, Minnesota, is lined with automobiles and spectators for the July 4th, 1918, parade. Nurses march behind a Red Cross automobile past Louis Bauer's Jewelry store. A man on horseback rides beside the car.
Crowds gathered on Main Street, Crosby, Minnesota, for July 4th speeches. The water tower is visible behind on building on the left. Automobiles and horses join the people. The scene is facing east.
The Ironton School in Ironton, Minnesota, was identical to the White School in Crosby. It was built in 1911 to house 180 students. It was replaced in 1918 by the brick and stone Graded School.