Two women, one man, and two boys with horse and buggy in front of a house. Note on back of photo says,""Grandma Pierce Alice, Grandad Pierce Merritt, Frank, George, Lillian. This house is down by Bill Phelps, Good Thunder, Mn."
American Legion 40-8, Voiture Locale No. 281 with train engine-shaped vehicle and people in costume. The side of the engine is inscribed, "La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, Mankato, Minnesota."
Anton Hoff home with automobile and four people. Image states, "Anton Hoff home, Decoria Township." Inga Hoff was rural school teacher in Decoria, circa 1915.
Bethany College, Mankato, MN. Postcard addressed to Mrs. Wm Schoening, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, 1121 Broadway. Note says,"Dear Flora, How nice to invite us. Will try to come in am if possible. Betty is at Bethany College [illegible] a Key course [illegible] organ & piano. I miss her. See you soon. Love, Lalla." Postmarked Oct. 29, 1942, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
400 Block, South Front Street, 1860, with horse-drawn buggies and buildings; notes on back of photo say,""1860--Front St.--Cherry to Jackson (West Side)" and ""More likely Jackson to Cherry." Photo is printed in reverse (text on signs is backwards).
Postcard of Blue Earth County Courthouse, message on reverse from Florence to Miss Sophie Christensen. Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, postmarked Mankato, Minnesota