Volume 21, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published October 1994. Contents include the proposed Minnesota voluntary certification pilot program, applications available for the Children's Services Collaborative grants, a message from the MLA President, MLA Board meeting minutes, welcome new MLA members and thank you to renewing members, upcoming events, internet access for teachers (InfoMN), miscellaneous news and notes, job announcements, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events.
Volume 21, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published November/December 1994. Contents include personal safety in libraries, MLA launches membership renewal campaign, message from the MLA President, October MLA Board meeting notes, announcement of 1995 MLA Officers, library issues in the 1995 legislative session, a summary of the 1994 MLA Annual Conference, job announcements, upcoming events, miscellaneous news and notes, cataloging basics workshop description and registration form, MLA scholarship winner reflections on the annual conference, 1994 Annual Conference award photographs, MLA membership renewal reminder and application, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events.
Volume 22, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January 1995. Contents include approval of the Minnesota Librarians of Color program, MLA's Support Staff Round Table upcoming meeting, a message from the MLA President, November 1994 MLA Board meeting highlights, an update on the 1995 Legislative Session, MLA Conference scholarship winner reflection, MLA Reader's Advisory Round Table encourages participation, upcoming events, miscellaneous news and notes, upcoming events, a program insert for the Computer & Information Professionals conference, registration for Library Legislative Day, job announcements, minutes from the 1994 MLA Annual Conference, miscellaneous news and notes, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events. Note: The date of this issue displays as January 1955, but it is the January 1995 issue.
Volume 22, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published February 1995. Contents include providing Young Adult library services, Governor's budget cut to library programs, a message from the MLA President, MLA Board meeting notes, miscellaneous news and notes, upcoming events, job announcements, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events.
Volume 22, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published March 1995. Contents include tips on determining library user needs, a message from the MLA President, MLA Board meeting notes, MLA Board Member profiles, miscellaneous news and notes, upcoming events, a call for MLA Officer nominations, 1994 MLA Annual Report, MLA Academic and Research Libraries Day program, ALA Legislative Day, Freedom of Information Day events, MLA hires new office assistant, MLA calendar of events, and library staff updates.
Volume 22, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published April 1995. Contents include library cooperation in greater Minnesota, a message from the MLA President, an MLA Board Member profile on the Intellectual Freedom Chair/Member at Large, a summary of MLA Legislative Day, miscellaneous news and notes, upcoming events, new printings of Minnesota Opportunities for Refernce Excellence manuals available soon, a welcome to new MLA members, job announcements, library staff updates, and an MLA calendar of events.
Volume 22, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published May 1995. Contents include an overview of the Office of Library Development and Services (LDS), a new partnership between MLA and the Minnesota Library Foundation, introduction of a new MLA program series on the library of the future, a message from the MLA President, an MLA Board meeting summary, lobbying for libraries at the federal level, miscellaneous news and notes, upcoming events, upcoming Minnesota Telecommunications Conference, a "Pass a Buck for Libraries" insert, job announcements, a call for nominations for the MLA Continuing Education Award, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events.
Volume 22, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published June 1995. Contents include a guest article about internet resources for Minnesota libraries, list of candidates for MLA office, a message from the MLA President, MLA Board member profiles, a legislative update, miscellaneous news and notes, Branch Out library conference details, MLA seeking award nominations, upcoming events, a summary of Academic and Research Libraries Day, promoting citizen awareness at your library, MLA Mobile Services Round Table meeting summary, upcoming library architecture tour details, job announcements, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events.
Volume 22, number 7 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published July/August 1995. Contents include a guest article about serving young adults in the age of AIDS, MLA adoption of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 policy, a message from the MLA President, an MLA Board member profile, a survey about MLA's mission, a flier for the next library architecture tour, miscellaneous news and notes, upcoming events, job announcements, a letter to the editor, a call for input on the 1996 Legislative Platform, MLA Annual Conference announcement, library staff updates, and the MLA calendar of events.
Volume 22, number 8 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September 1995. Contents include a guest article about opportunity and diversity in libraries, a summary of a recent legislative planning forum, a summary of the MLA assistive technology workshop, miscellaneous news and notes, an invitation to attend the MLA Annual Membership meeting, upcoming events, an description of conference keynote Sheila Creth, the MLA Annual Conference registration form, a announcement about the next RASS business meeting, job announcements, library staff updates, additional annual conference program highlights, welcome new members, and the MLA calendar of events.
Volume 22, number 9 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in October/November of 1995. Contents include summaries of the keynote addresses at the MLA annual conference, the MLA president's column, letters to the editor, News and Notes relevant to libraries around the state and nationally, highlights of the annual conference on the theme of Opportunity and Diversity: Libraries in Transition, MLA election results, a listing of the MLA award recipients, upcoming events, a listing of new MLA members, the minutes of the MLA annual business meeting, news items about MLA members, and the MLA calendar of events.
Volume 22, number 10 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published in December of 1995. Contents include recognition of the vendors that exhibited at the MLA annual conference, a letter from the MLA President welcoming the incoming Board of Directors, News and Notes relevant to libraries around the state and nationally, highlights of the conference presentation by Sheila Intner on the future of technical services in libraries, a report from the Minnesota Association of Law Libraries on the conference program "Minnesota Legal Research on a Shoestring," a reading list from the Public Libraries Division conference program "Spirituality and Work," a listing of upcoming local and national events, a listing of employment opportunities, and news regarding individual�MLA members.
Minnesota Library Association; Sales, Deborah K. (editor)
Date Created:
Volume 23, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January 1996. Contents include MLA 1995 year in review and 1996 forecast, an overview of the University of Minnesota's proposed Minnesota Library Access Center (MLAC), MLA board highlights, upcoming events, employment opportunities, miscellaneous news and notes, Library Legislative Day registration form and overview, library legislation news, and a calendar of events.
Minnesota Library Association; Sales, Deborah K. (editor)
Date Created:
Volume 23, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published February 1996. Contents include Library Legislative Day introduction and summary, MLA board highlights, an invitation to join the MLA Membership Committee, a list of 1996 MLA officers and chairpersons, upcoming events, the Library Legislative Day registration form, miscellaneous news and notes, and a calendar of events.
Minnesota Library Association; Brady, Bill (editor)
Date Created:
1998-01 - 1998-02
Volume 25, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January/February 1998. Contents include Library Legislative Day over and key issues, notes from the MLA President and MLA Executive Director, an introduction of the 1998 MLA Board of Directors, the addition of Dunn Brothers coffee shop to the Roseville library, minutes of the 1997 MLA annual membership meeting, an open letter to library directors, a list of new MLA members, miscellaneous news and notes, upcoming events, employment opportunities, and a calendar of events.
Volume 25, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published March/April 1998. Contents include an article from University of St. Thomas libraries, MLA conference guest speaker announcement, a note from the MLA President, 1998 MLA Board goals, a call for nominations for the Humanitarian Fund Committee and MLA Board, Minnesota Library Association Foundation (MLAF) highlights, an open letter to library directors, MLA/MEMO Legislative Day highlights, an overview of the Laos Library Project, an MLA silent auction announcement, upcoming events, intellectual freedom training news, an overview of the state document depository system, miscellaneous news and notes, and a calendar of events.
Volume 25, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published May/June 1998. Contents include Minnesota State Legislature support of University of Minnesota libraries, a call for MLA conference volunteers, a collaboration project between MLA and the American Cancer Society (ACS), a reminder for the Minnesota Library Day hosted by the Minnesota Twins, a preliminary notice for the 1998 MLA conference, a summary of the academic and research libraries day event, a summary of the reader's retreat conference, a brief of the MLA trustees video conference, disaster relief efforts for libraries damaged by tornadoes, a list of MLA office nominations, an overview of the 1998 Branch Out conference, an overview of the government document round table (GoDORT) spring conference, a summary of the 1998 legislative session, a list of best Minnesota state documents for 1997, a call for award nominations, a calendar of events, and a retirement announcement for former MLA president.
Volume 25, number 4 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published July/August 1998. Contents include an interview with Minnesota governor candidates on library issues, a call for MLA conference volunteers, recognition of Jack Cole for the ALA Trustee Citation award, an overview of metadata standards, award nomination forms, a breast awareness campaign reminder and order form, want ads, summary of the annual MLA/MEMO legislative forum, and miscellaneous news and notes.
Volume 25, number 5 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published September/October 1998. Content includes an update for the MLA annual conference, an introduction to information ethics, an announcement of Julie Billings as recipient of MCI's Cybrarian of the Year award, a summary of the Minnesota Twins Library Day event, feedback from the library breast cancer awareness promotions, a focus on library trustees, the change in education needs for library science students, the installation of INNOPAC automation system in Minneapolis public libraries, and miscellaneous news and notes.
Volume 25, number 6 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published November/December 1998. Content includes an overview of the Riverview Open Library project, a note from the MLA president, distribution of the MLA Foundation (MLAF) Emergency Relief Fund, readers' advisory tips, notes from the 1998 MLA annual conference, trustees corner, promotion of the new MLA Distance Learning Roundtable, results from the 4th annual silent auction, an overview of state government information websites, and miscellaneous news and notes.
Volume 26, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January/February 1999. Content includes the 1999 MLA/MEMO legislative platform, a note from the MLA president, an announcement of the Minnesota Historical Society's new photograph database, poll results for considering casino sites as potential MLA conference locations, the role of art in libraries, the first issue of Linking Library Trustees by the Minnesota Library Trustee Association (MLTA), the 1999 MLA calendar, reader's advisory round table reader's retreat event reminder, and miscellaneous news and notes.
Volume 26, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published March/April 1999. Content includes perspectives on distance learning, a call for MLA Board nominations, a note from the MLA president, Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura in support of libraries, the announcement of MLA's participation in a breast cancer awareness campaign, summary of the Legislative Library Day, overview of the Minnesota Twins Library Day, issue 2 of Linking Library Trustees, the announcement of children's author Nancy Carlson as a speaker at the MLA conference, introduction of new 1999 MLA Board members, a registration announcement for a summer leadership workshop, and miscellaneous news and notes.
Volume 26, number 3 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published May/June 1999. Content includes an overview of web resources, a list MLA officer nominationees, a note from the MLA president, a reminder for the Minnesota Twins Library Day, a call for MLA awards nominations, a discussion of preparation for summer readers, issue 3 of Linking Library Trustees, readers' advisory tips, an announcement of the MLA silent auction, a summary of the 1999 legislative session, the opening of the Minnesota Virtual University (MnVU), and miscellaneous news and notes.
Volume 27, number 1 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published January/February 2000. Content includes an overview of the Minnesota Library for the Blind and physically Handicapped (MLBH), an introduction to the new MLA executive director, a note from the MLA president, an introduction to the ISEEK website, a job posting for Ramsey County library director, an overview of MLA divisions, sections, and round tables, and committees, an issue of Linking Library Trustees, MLA membership application form, a list of Minnesota nominees for the ALA National Advocacy Honor Roll, and miscellaneous news and notes.
Volume 27, number 2 of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Newsletter was published March/April 2000. Content includes how to handle a PR 'crisis communication', a note from the MLA president, MLA's statement on internet access, the practice and importance of reading, winner announcements for the Freedom of Information Award, an issue of linking library, Minnesota Almanac 2000 information, MEMO fall conference announcement, a call for Greater Midwest Region (GMR) Fellow Award nominations, a brief legislative update, a job posting, Spotlight on Books conference announcement, and miscellaneous news and notes.