This issue includes includes an update on new library holdings symbols in OCLC and the final grant supported library to have their OCLC terminal installed, a summary of the Reference Users Group conference, authorization of the Minitex Advisory Committee, a summary of the OCLC cataloging users group, and the latest MULS (Minitex Union List of Serials) procedures and other updates.
Mike O'Rourke holding the painted boxes that Minitex staff drove down to the Greyhound bus station every day. Before using local couriers, the fastest way to transport interlibrary loan items to areas like Duluth was through Greyhound.
This issue includes information about the Minitex Continuing Education Program and week-long workshops for Reference Librarians, an overview of the newly initiated Minitex Reference Service, and an overview of the Minnesota Union List of Serials emerging Minitex program.
This issue includes a diagram of the program, services, resources, and participating libraries. Each Minitex service is highlighted including the following: Communication Network, Document Delivery, Bibliographic Database, Collection Development, Information and Reference Network, Continuing Education, Online Bibliographic Searches, and Regional Sharing. Future plans for Minitex and participating library contacts are also included.
Mark Eckes looks up information for sending interlibrary loan requests to other participating libraries. Mark Eckes worked at Minitex from 1974 to 1984, managing the Minitex staff (payroll, vacation, sick leave) and was responsible for office purchasing and OCLC billing.