Left to right: Ruth Dukelow (CLIC Director, 2012 - 2019) and Mary Parker (Minitex Associate Director for Reference, 1989 - 2012) at the Minitex MnLINK Conference in 2012.
Staff from Minitex and the Minnesota Digital Library at a Scan for Keeps event. From left to right: Jolie Graybill, Carla Urban, Greta Bahnemann, and Elizabeth Baus in front of the Northtown Library. Scan for Keeps is a program developed by the Minnesota Digital Library for the purpose of loaning digitization kits for community scanning events. Kits are available for libraries, historical societies, and other organizations to encourage community engagement and foster preservation education.
Tim McCluske (MLAC) and Bill Dejohn (Minitex Director, 1984-2012) in the Minitex break room in Andersen Library celebrating Groundhog Day, Minneapolis, Minnesota.