Doris Ott served for eight years as North Dakota State Librarian (2002-2010). A native of Carson, ND, Ott graduated from Dickinson State University, and earned her MLS from George Peabody College (now, Vanderbilt University) in Nashville. She started her professional librarian career as an Assistant Professor of Library Science at Dickinson State, was the first librarian at Magic City Campus in Minot, and held positions at a school library and a public library in Indiana before returning to North Dakota in 1986. From 1986-2002 she worked at the North Dakota State Library and held various positions before being named State Librarian in 2002. This interview also includes an audio recording, recording table of contents, transcript, and photograph of the interviewee.
Mike Kathman is the former director of libraries at the College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, MN) and St. John's University (Collegeville, MN). St. John's and St. Ben's was one of the 11 original participants in the pilot project that was known as the Minnesota Interlibrary Teletype Experiment (MINITEX), January 1969-June 1970. This interview also includes an audio recording, recording table of contents, transcript, and photograph of the interviewee.
Group photograph taken at the Ivy Hotel in Minneapolis, Minnesota for Edward Swanson's (Manager, Contract Cataloging) retirement lunch. Back row, left to right: Mark Wilhelmi, Carlos Portillo, Mark Ehlert, Sara Ring, Edward Swanson, Bill DeJohn (Director). Front row, left to right: Kay Beaudrie, Sue Zuriff, Renee Johnson, Virginia Dudley, Susanne Nevin, Sue Weigand, Carla Urban.
Beth Chekola scanning an article for interlibrary loan that goes out via email to a participating library in Elmer Andersen Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Group photograph of Minitex Director Bill DeJohn (1984-2012) receiving the President's Award, with University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks (2002 - 2011) and Dr. Pete Magee.
Becky Ringwelski, Mark Wilhelmi, Sarah Anderson, and Joy Knoll at the Try Cool Tools @ Your Library exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Kevin Lian-Anderson, Jean Silverberg (Dakota County Library), and Sara Ring at the Try Cool Tools @ Your Library exhibit at the 2005 Minnesota State Fair.
Mary Parker (Minitex Associate Director for Reference, 1989 - 2012) and Kristen Mastel at the Try Cool Tools @ Your Library booth at the 2005 Minnesota State Fair, St. Paul, Minnesota
Beth Staats teaching OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) students about eLibrary Minnesota in the basement of Wilson Library, University of Minnesota Minneapolis campus.
MJ Rossman, Assistant Director for OCLC and Reference, 1986-1996. MJ joined the Minitex staff in 1980 as Head of the Minitex Reference Service. She became Assistant Director in 1986 with responsibilities for directing the OCLC and Reference Units. Direction of the MULS Program was later added to her responsibilities. For a more complete description, see the Minitex Messenger, v. 14, no.1 (Aug. 28, 1996).
This issue is the 1982/1983 Minitex status report and includes background information, program updates, Document Delivery request and participants graph, Reference request graph, MULS Publications bar chart, a list of Minitex participating libraries, a history of Minitex activities in a table, and the list of Minitex Advisory Council members.
This issue is the 1981/1982 Minitex status report and includes background information, program updates, a program history appendix in table form, details Minitex Document Delivery statistics, a map of participants, financial statements, activity level graphs, and a list of Minitex participating libraries.
This issue includes the following articles: Bibliographic and Physical Resource Sharing in Minitex; Access to Minitex Libraries in Bibliographic Databases; Libraries and the 1980 Census; Minitex OCLC AACR2 Regional Meetings; OCLC'S Name-Address Directory; Minitex at Texas Instruments Symposium; Ramsey County Begins OCLC Acquisitions Subsystem Evaluation; ARL Adopts Plan for Improving Access to Microforms; Database Workshops; People; Minitex Directory Changes; Minnesota Statutes Index Errata Available; Everyone's Guide to the Whole Library.
This issue includes the following articles: Serials Collections in a Network Environment; OCLC Converts Data Base to AACR 2 Form; Quality Control Activities at OCLC; MPR Programs Available From Audio Archives; New Duluth Public Library Open; People/Minitex Directory; Serial Collection Management: A Bibliography.
This issue includes the following articles: Minitex: A Status Report; WILS-WLC: Library Cooperation in Wisconsin; South Dakota Health Sciences Library Consortium: Multi-Type Resource Sharing; OCLC Names New President; OCLC Users Council Annual Report Summary; OCLC Development Schedule; OCLC Users and AACR2 Questions; OCLC System Down While Converting to AACR2; OCLC Participating Libraries; CRL Receives Two Ford Grants; MPLIC Designated as Patent Depository; COMCAT Education Project; Legal Reference Servives Committee Formed; Minitex Reference Service Notes; Telecommunications Change for Minitex; ""Everyone's Guide..."" For Winter Quarter; People; and New Minitex Participant.
This issue includes the following articles: Information Data Base Services; Three Services to Libraries; The History of Some Terminology; Preservation of Minnesota Newspapers at the Minnesota Historical Society; Minnesota State University Project for Automation of Library Systems (MSU/PALS): Planning for the Future; AACR2 in Minnesota; OCLC Use Increases; AACR 2 and OCLC; OCLC Search Retrieval Enhancements Soon to be Implemented; OCLC Users Council Elects Officers; Western Council Resource Sharing Planning Conference; GPO Named Center of Document Cataloging; St. Paul Public Library Initiates Computer Catalog System; People; New Coordinators Join Minitex Staff; Congressional Information Service Seminars; ""Everyone's Guide..."" Is Back Again.
This issue includes the following articles: Gustavus Library Endowment Fund; OCLC Internetwork Quality Control Council; Minnesota Theological Librarys Install Union COM Catalog; Plans Advance For Second ACRL Conference; The Tri-College University Library Consortium: A Decade of Growth; Minitex Reference; The CLIC COM Catalog; Windows to the Past: Minnesota County Atlases-A New Reference Tool; Reorganization of OCLC Symbol Displays; People; Minitex Library OCLC Sympols: A Directory; Olson Receives Piercy Award; Messenger Editor Leaves Minitex.
This issue includes the following articles: Technology, Work Assignments, and Staff Morale; St. Olaf College Part of Two Studies; Saint Paul Public Library's Newspaper Index Project; Symposium on the Future of the Liberal Arts College Library; Melsa Goes Online: Hennepin County's Assisted Reference Service; Thoughts on Resource Sharing; People; Celebrations; Reading on Networking; Online Bibliographic Training in Fargo; AACR2 Institute in Minneapolis; New Minitex Staff Member; Announcement of Minitex Position; OCLC Growth.
This issue includes the following articles: Bibliographic Instruction (proceedings from a workshop); COM Catalogs and Conversion Projects (from Ramsey County Public Library and Minneapolis Public Library); People; Minitex Workshop Speaker Participation Policy; Minitex/OCLC Mailings; Circulation Systems: Suggested Reading; A Circulation System With OCLC; OCLC Use in Minitex: Some Thoughts and Statistics; Minitex Courier; Regional Workshops for Catalogers: AACR2; New MULS Manual.
This issue includes the following articles: Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loan; Minitex Document Delivery; Minitex Document Delivery Statistics 1978/79; WHCLIS Resolution on Networking; ALA Legislative Program; Reference Librarians: Save These Dates; Online Skills Development; Online Workshops Schedule; OCLC Acquisitions Subsystem; Ramsey County to Test OCLC Acquisitions Subsystem; Recommendation on use of OCLC-MARC Tapes; Iowa Fifth State in MULS.
Anita Anker (Branin) joined Minitex in 1981 working first with MULS. She later directed the Document Delivery program. She left Minitex July 24, 1996. For a more complete description, see the MINITEX Messenger, volume 14, number 1 (August 28, 1996).
This issue includes the following articles: The Uses of Online Databases; Using Online Techniques for Evaluation; Providing Services with Limited Resources; About the Database Directory; Codes of Vendors Supplying Online Services; Codes of Libraries Performing Online Searches; Directory of Online Subject Databases Searched in Minitex Libraries, 1979-1980; How to Use a Library; NEH Announces Challenge Grant Program; Bibliographic Instruction Workshop; and Happy Anniversary.
This issue includes the following articles: Planning and Library Cooperation; Reference Service Evaluation; New Advisory Committee; and a large section on OCLC and Library Automation. The OCLC and Library Automation section contains background on what OCLC is; a history of Minitex OCLC participation; cooperative cataloging in OCLC; first time use (FTU) of an OCLC record; how to become an OCLC participant; the OCLC interlibrary loan, serial control, and acquisitions subsystems; and a diretory of Minitex libraries on OCLC.
This issue includes the following articles: OCLC Users Council Meets in Columbus on June 4 and 5; Visitors; Minnesotans Publish; OCLN Memberships; Automation in Duluth; More Publishing; People on the Move; Liz Stroup Meets with Rug Group; South Dakota Union List of Serials; Gustavus Award Winner; Recent Publications of Interest; Reference Users Group Meets; Responsive Reference Service; and The "Not Available" Response to ILLRO's.
This issue includes the following articles: To Network or Not to Network Schools Face the Question; Networking Conference; Library Instruction for the College Undergraduate; Selective Bibliography for Library Instruction in Academe; Retrospective Conversion; OCLC/ILL Subsystem Training; EDUCOM Seminar; Rug Reference Resources Meeting; Automation, Codes and Standards in Technical Services and their Effect on Public Services; AACR2 Preconference; Theological Libraries Meeting; People in Minitex.
This issue includes the following articles: Minnesota Union List of Serials; New Minitex Manual; Five-Year Review of Copyight Law; Location Search Service-Codes Supplied; Publications to Notes; Online Workshops; Coming and Going; Resource Sharing Thoughts; TWX Sound Shield for Sale; Performance Evaluation in Academic Libraries; Celtic Library at College of St. Thomas; Grant Money for Two-Year Colleges; MLA Pre-Conferences Planned; Visitors; Networking Reading.
This is a special report of the OCLC Users Council by Minitex OCLC Representatives. Included are summaries on the economic impact of AACR2 on libraries and the OCLC Inter-Network Quality Control Council, as well a a directory of Minitex libraries on OCLC.
This special issue on AACR2 and the catalog includes information about the adoption of AACR2 and implications for cataloging procedures and practices. Minnesota librarians attended an institute in 1978 on "Closing the Catalog"; offered by LITA and a full summary of the event is included. This issue also contains a list of recently announced grants, RLIN (Research Libraries Group) replacing the former acronym of BALLOTS, and the new publication "The Role of the School Library Media Program in Networking."
A reproduction of a slide show and audio cassette created in the 1970's to educate library staff and to promote Minitex services. As part of the Minitex 50th Anniversary, the video was edited in 2021 by Carol Nelson with assistance from former Minitex staff Kathy Drozd, Dave Paulson, and Mark Eckes. Topics in the presentation include: Minitex resource sharing among libraries, the Minitex Union List of Serials, the technology used to communicate between libraries for resource sharing, the Minitex Reference and Information Network, Minitex workshops and training sessions, and how Minitex was initially funded.
This issue is the annual report for 1977-1978. Highlights include a new contract with South Dakota State Library and Minitex for sharing resources; increased Resource Sharing, the MULS 2nd edition publication; Bush Foundation grants to support OCLC participation' an increase in Back-Up Reference requests; a summary of copyright and reference training and meetings, and statistics (including a table).
This issue includes the following articles: OCLC Users Council; Minitex Brochure insert; Minitex Annual Meeting; OCLC Interlibrary Loan Subsystem Test; Serials Management Workshop; Farewell to Lois Upham; USOE Grant Deadlines; Academic Library Grant Program Announced; Positions (new library staff); Honors; Minitex Libraries on OCLC: A Directory; Minitex 'NLOC' Service; OCLC Codes for Minitex Libraries; Using OCLC to Verify Minitex ILL Requests; Directory of Minnesota Libraries; and Colleagues Publish.
This special issue on online databases includes information about the types of data in databases, online database searching protocols, online search services in the U.S. and costs, a glossary of common database terms, a bibliography of online bibliographic services, the Minitex online search service and sample search request form, a directory of online database, subject databases search in Minitex libraries, and a summary of the Reference Users Group meeting.
This issue includes the following articles: Minitex-South Dakota Resource Sharing; Minnesota Libraries 1977 Report (for the ALA Yearbook, 1978 edition); Upcoming User Group Meetings; Library Directories; OCLC Governance; Bush II OCLC Installations; OCLC Directory Update; OCLC Training; Publications; TWX Communication; Verifying Citations from On-Line Searches; New Appointments--New Participants; Visitors to Minitex; Newsletter Mailing List; and CAB Abstracts On-Line Workshop.
This issue includes the following articles: Minitex Reference Services; Document Delivery Service; Back-Up Reference Service; Reference Services and Collection Development; Minitex Telephone and TWX Directory; Serving OCLC Users; Verifying ILL Requests on OCLC; Workshop on Workflow; Workshop on Library Instructions; Botany Journals; New Librarians, New Positions; New Participants; and Visitors to Minitex.
This special issue on copyright includes information about how the new U.S. Copyright Law affects Minitex Document Delivery, guidelines for records retention, information on library supplies for displaying copyright information, ALA and Minitex Interlibrary Loan Request forms, copyright payment mechanisms, and a bibliogrpahy of copyright law and libraries resources.
This issue includes the following articles: Bush Foundation Grants Funds for On-Line Cataloging and Data Base Development; Proposed Copyright Clearance Procedures for Photocopying in Libraries; New Librarians -- New Participants; New Minitex Directory, Annual Report; Reference and Interlibrary Loan Resources; Regional Meetings; Cataloging: Projections for the Future; Minitex Libraries on OCLC: A Directory; Recent Visitors to Minitex; New Edition of MULS, and On-Line User Workshops.