The Geneva Beach Hotel with people on the porch. In 1896, J.L. Dickinson acquired the Alexandria Hotel at Geneva Beach from Mr. Letson, an early resort builder, and changed the name to the Geneva Beach Hotel. The hotel burned down on September 2, 1911.
View of the Geneva Beach Hotel. Says "Manor house" on the photo. In 1896, J.L. Dickinson acquired the Alexandria Hotel at Geneva Beach from Mr. Letson, an early resort builder, and changed the name to the Geneva Beach Hotel. The hotel burned down on September 2, 1911.
A compilation of original home designs showing actual photogrpahs of exteriors and accurate floor plans of moderately priced residences, cottages, bungalows, garages, and farm buildings.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, East Chestnut Street, Lot 3, Block 25 of Original Town. Owner: Mrs. H. M. Torinus, Builder: E. H. Bieging.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, West Myrtle Street, Lot 10, Block 7 of Greeley and Slaughters to South side, West Myrtle Street, Lot 7, Block 10 of Greeley and Slaughters. Granted to Walter Nelson. Permit received October 7, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, North Everett Street, Lot 2, Block 2 of Thornes to South side, West Mulberry Street, Lot 2, Block 3 of Thompson, Parker and Mowers Second. Granted to M. J. Howard. Permit received June 29, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, North Main Street, Lot 8, Block 18 of Original City. Granted to the Bartles Minnesota Oil Company. Permit received December 15, 1920. "This building is a three story store, to be torn down and partly rebuilt into an oil filling station."
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Second Street, Lot 7, 8 and 9, Block 43 of Original Town. Owner: Charles Lindquist, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted September 7, 1920
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, North Pine Street, Lot 1 of Lulls. Owner: J. A. McLaggan, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on October 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Third Street, Lot 6 on 82' of County Auditors Plat number 4.. Owner: J. D. Bronson, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on October 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, West Myrtle Street, Lot East 1/2 11, 12 and 13, Block 8 of Greeley and Slaughters. Owner: Lula A. Wilson (John A. McGloom), Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on October 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, North Owen Street, Lot 18, Block 12 of Sabins. Owner: James Flowers, Builder: C. O. Johnson. Permit granted on October 10, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Fourth Street, Lot 7 and 8, Block 1 of Marshs. Owner: William Strutz, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on November 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, North Main Street, Northwest corner of Block 18 of East of Main Street and South of Commercial Avenue of Original Town. Owner: Hamm Brewing Company, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on November 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Third Street, Lot 7 and 8, Block 4 of Churchill and Nelsons Second. Owner: W. A. Porter, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on November 12, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, West Linder Street, Lot W. 50' of S. 150' , Block 13 of Original Town. Owner: Eller McKellar, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on May 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, West Williams Street, Lot S. 145' of 861'of County Auditors Plat number 1. Owner: John L. Stevens, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted May 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, West Olive Street, Lot 4 and 5 of Nelsons. Owner: W. H. Bean, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted May 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Main Street, Lot 1, Block 28 of Original Town. Owner: Joseph Wolf Company, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted May 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, North Fourth Street, Lot East 100', Block 5 of Original Town. Owner: Fannie F. Lennox, Builder: Frank Linner and Company.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, West Elm Street, Lot 2 and 3, Block 9 of Staples and Mays. Owner: Charles A. Youngquest, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on March 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, North Owen Street, Lot 4, Block 7 of Greeley and Slaughters. Owner: H. E. Bergstrom, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on March 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, East Chestnut Street, Lot 5, Block 27 West of Water Street of Original Town. Owner: J. J. Eichten, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on March 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Main Street, Lot 2, Block 28 of Original Town. Owner: Brodeen and Matson, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on June 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, North Everett Street, Lot 4, 5 and 6, Block 3 of Thompson, Parker and Mowers Second. Owner: Malinda Roney, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on June 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Broadway Street, Block 42 of Original Town. Owner: Edward Hanson, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on June 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, North Greeley Street, Lot 5, Block 2 of Greeley and Slaughters. Owner: Charles G. Erickson, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on June 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, North Everett Street, Lot 6, Block 1 of Thornes. Owner: Alfred Leadholm, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on June 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Third Street, Lot 4, Block 34 of Original Town. Owner: St. Pauls German Lutheran Church, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on June 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Third Street, Lot 24 and 25, Block 3 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Philip Newman, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on June 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, West Pine Street, Lot 3 of Lulls. Owner: Herbert F. Anderson, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on June 8, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Third Street, Lot 9 and 10, Block 24 of Original Town. Owner: Lam Belisle, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on July 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, South Third Street, Lot 18, Block 14 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Albert Johnson, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on July 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Sixth Street, Lot 1, 2 and 3, Block 2 of Thompson, Parker and Mowers. Owner: J. W. Bronson, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on July 2, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, West Oak Street, Lot 6 and 7, Block 2 of Websters Second. Owner: J. L. Gilkerson, Builder: C. O. Johnson. Permit granted July 25, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, North Third Street, Lot 12 and 13, Block 20 of Original Town. Owner: City of Stillwater, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on July 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, West Mrytle Street, Lot West 1/2 11, and 13, Block 8 of Greeley and Slaugthers. Owner: Charles Elfstrom, Builder: Frank Linner and Company. Permit granted on July 1, 1920.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, West Olive Street, Lot 9, Block 1 of Wilson's. Owner: E. H. Bieging, Builder: E. H. Bieging. Permit granted on January 1, 1920.