Annual Report for the YWCA for the year 1896 including: officers, board of managers, secretaries, committees, historical sketch, President's Message, Report of General Secretary, Treasurer's Report, Reports of Committees, including Membership, Rooms, Reading Room and Library, Religious, Entertainment, Educational, Physical Culture, Noon Rest, Employment, Finance, South Branch, Cedar Branch, Traveler's Aid, and Extension Committees. Also includes contact information for state, international and world's associations.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Young Men's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report of the 20th year's work of the Minneapolis YMCA containing financial and narrative reports by the president, other officers, and committee chairmen. Committees, departments, and branches cover employment, education, housing, railroads, and religion, among additional administrative duties. Included in the report are the list of members, articles of incorporation, and the organization's constitution and by-laws.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Young Men's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report of the 19th year's work of the Minneapolis YMCA containing financial and narrative reports by the president, other officers, and committee chairmen. Committees cover employment, education, housing, and religion, among additional administrative duties. Also features reports by the Railroad and Junior Departments. Included in the annual report are the list of members, articles of incorporation, and the organization's constitution and by-laws.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Young Men's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report of the 18th year's work of the Minneapolis YMCA containing financial and narrative reports by the president, other officers, and committee chairmen. Committees cover employment, education, housing, and religion, among additional administrative duties. Included in the report are the list of members, articles of incorporation, and the organization's constitution and by-laws.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Young Men's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report of the 21st year's work of the Minneapolis YMCA containing financial and narrative reports by the president, other officers, and committee chairmen. Committees cover employment, education, housing, and religion, among additional administrative duties. Included in the report are the list of members, articles of incorporation, and the organization's constitution and by-laws.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Young Men's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report of the 23rd year's work of the Minneapolis YMCA containing financial and narrative reports by the president, other officers, and committee chairmen. Committees cover employment, education, housing, and religion, among additional administrative duties. Included in the report are a list of contributors, a sketch of the exterior of the Association Building, and floor plans for the basement, first and second floors of the Association Building.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Annual reports featuring a statement by the president, highlights from the departments and committees (Education and Publicity Department, Research and Investigation Department, the Big Sister Department, Legislative Program, Education and Publicity Committee, and volunteer committees), general information to other agencies, information on social hygiene, surveys and studies of community conditions, statement of receipts and disbursements for the years ending December 31, 1921 and December 31, 1922, and a list of affiliated organizations.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Annual report featuring highlights of the year, a list of members and committees, financial reports, statistical data on cases reported, and the organization's constitution and by-laws. Also includes the annual report of the Big Sister Movement.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Annual report featuring a statement by the president, highlights from the departments and committees (Education and Publicity Department, Law Enforcement Committee, Research and Investigation Committee, and the Big Sister Department), general information to other agencies, statement of receipts and disbursements for the year ending December 31, 1919, an organization chart, and a list of affiliated organizations.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Annual report featuring a statement by the president, highlights from the departments and committees (Education and Publicity Department, Research and Investigation Department, the Big Sister Department, Law Enforcement Committee, Education and Publicity Committee, and volunteer committees), general information to other agencies, information on social hygiene, surveys and studies of community conditions, statement of receipts and disbursements for the year ending December 31, 1920, an organizational chart, and a list of affiliated organizations.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Annual report including a statistical and financial summary of the Big Sister Department of the Women's Co-operative Alliance, Inc., 1920. "The Big Sister Department gives friendly advice and supervision in housing, recreation, and employment to the strange or handicapped young women in the city." Includes an organizational chart of the Women's Co-operative Alliance of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association; Woman's Boarding Home
Date Created:
Annual report of the Woman's Christian Association for the year ending February 25 1883 including: officers, directors, notices, annual report of the Officers and Directors, Treasurer's Annual Report, Visitor's report, Acting Visitor's Report, Constitution, By-laws. Also includes Annual Report of Woman's Boarding Home, including: officers, annual report, financial statement, constitution, by-laws, regulations, and Industrial School report.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, and stories of boarders they helped that year.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, accounts of boarders who stayed in the last year, and a memorial for Mrs. A. C. Morgan.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, and stories of boarders they helped that year.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws and accounts of boarders who stayed in the last year. Also included are photographs of the Boarding Home, the Branch Home, and the Jones-Harrison Home.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, and stories of boarders they helped that year.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Woman's Boarding Home and Branch House. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, and letters detailing donations received and the opening of the Jones-Harrison Home for Aged Women.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, clothing donations received, and changes within the organization.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Woman's Boarding Home and Industrial School. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, and letters detailing stories of families they helped in the past year.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, donations received, and accounts of boarders who stayed in the last year. Also included are photographs of the Woman's Boarding House, Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home, and Jones-Harrison Home.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, members and committees, and donations received. Also included are photographs of the Woman's Boarding Home, the Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home, and the Jones-Harrison Home.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, members and committees, and donations received. Also included are photographs of the Woman's Boarding Home, the Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home, and the Jones-Harrison Home.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, members and committees, and donations received. Also included are photographs of the Mahala Fist Pillsbury Home and the Jones-Harrison Home.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws and accounts of boarders who stayed in the last year. Also included are photographs of the Branch Home and the Jones-Harrison Home.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association's departments of work: Dunwoody Hall (Woman's Boarding Home), The Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home, Jones-Harrison Home, Transient Home for Girls, Downtown Branch Woman's Hotel, Kirkbride Club, Woman's Christian Association Club, Woman's Christian Association Central Club, Berkeley Club, Clinton Club, Janette Merrill Park, Junior Board, and the Social Department. The Janette Merrill Park opened as a summer home for business girls and students. Discussion begins for starting a Home for Colored Girls.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Woman's Boarding Home and Industrial School. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, and letters detailing the need for more clothing donations, and lessons they have provided for children in the last year.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Woman's Boarding Home and Industrial School. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, and letters detailing the work of the last year.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Woman's Boarding Home and Industrial School. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, and letters detailing donations, and the opening of the Branch home.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association's four departments of work: The Woman's Boarding Home, The Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home, Jones-Harrison Home, and Traveler's Aid Home. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, members and committees, and donations received. Also included are photographs of the homes.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association's six departments of work: The Woman's Boarding Home, The Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home, Jones-Harrison Home, Transient Home for Girls, Downtown Branch Woman's Hotel, and Woman's Christian Association Club. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, members and committees, and donations received. Also included are photographs of the homes and club. Note, date is incorrectly stated as 1916-1917 on cover and title page.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association's four departments of work: The Woman's Boarding Home, The Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home, Jones-Harrison Home, and Traveler's Aid Home. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, members and committees, and donations received. Also included are photographs of the homes.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Association's nine departments of work: The Woman's Christian Association Office, Woman's Boarding Home, The Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home, Jones-Harrison Home, Transient Home for Girls, Downtown Branch Woman's Hotel, Woman's Christian Association Club, Woman's Christian Association Central Club, and the Woman's Christian Association Hall. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, members and committees, and donations received, as well as a history of the organization "The First Twenty-Five Years of the Woman's Christian Association." Also included are photographs of the homes, offices, club, and hall.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Woman's Christian Association of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date Created:
Annual report containing financial reports of the Woman's Boarding Home and Industrial School. Includes the Association's constitution and by-laws, number of visits, and letters detailing financial and physical donations, and families helped that year.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Annual report of the Woman's Christian Association for the year ending February 25 1881 including: officers, directors for 1881, Minutes of Annual Meeting, Secretary's Report, Treasurer's Report, Visitor's Report, numerical summary of visits made, reports and numerical summaries of the Industrial School and the Woman's Boarding Home, and the group's bylaws. Also included for the Women's Boarding Home are a brief history, an annual report of the Secretary of the Board of Managers, the Treasurer's Report, Names of Contributors, and by-laws.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
An annual report of the number of books checked out and visitors at the Winona Library Association and Reading Rooms from June 1, 1884 to May 31, 1885.
This study examines the enrollment potential of the area in southwestern Minnesota to answer some questions concerning the possibility of the establishment of a state college in Worthington, Minnesota.
Contributing Institution:
Striegel Archives, Southwest Minnesota State University
Annual report containing a brief history of the Washburn Memorial Orphan Asylum and a financial report of the endowment fund and expenses. Includes photographs of the interior and exterior of the orphan asylum.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Biennial report containing a brief history of the Washburn Memorial Orphan Asylum and financial report for 1909 and 1910. Superintendent's report includes information on institutional methods, the institution of a farm school, and after care service.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Biennial report containing a brief history of the Washburn Memorial Orphan Asylum and financial report for 1911 to 1916. Superintendent's report contains report on the health of the children, and improvements in laws affecting the welfare of the children. Includes photographs of the building.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library
Biennial report containing a brief history of the Washburn Memorial Orphan Asylum and a financial report of the endowment fund and expenses for the 21st and 22nd fiscal years. Superintendent's report includes information on the teaching methods used, Sunday School, Elementary, Tray and Bench Sloyd, Garden Squads, health and more. Includes photographs of the building and children. Sloyd is a system of handicraft education that originated in Finland in 1865.
Contributing Institution:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections Library