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1. Abbot Alexius Edelbrock, OSB, Collegeville, Minnesota

2. Abbot Alexius Edelbrock, OSB, Collegeville, Minnesota

3. Abbot Peter Engel, OSB, Collegeville, Minnesota

4. Abraham Levin in his Hamline University baseball uniform, St. Paul, Minnesota

5. A. C. Leafgren and family, Windom, Minnesota

6. Agriculture-Horticulture building at the Minnesota State Fair, St. Paul, Minnesota

7. A group of early members of Minnesota State Horticultural Society, St. Paul, Minnesota

8. A group of early members of Minnesota State Horticultural Society, St. Paul, Minnesota

9. A group of members of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, St. Paul, Minnesota

10. Amy Robbins Ware in a World War I Red Cross uniform, Robbinsdale, Minnesota

11. Amy Robbins Ware in World War I uniform, Robbinsdale, Minnesota

12. Amy Robbins Ware, World War I Army Educational Corps, Robbinsdale, Minnesota

13. Andreas Helland (1870-1951), professor at Augsburg Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota

14. Annual Meeting, Minnesota State Horticultural Society, St. Paul, Minnesota

15. Arthur Schoen and Godfrey Engdahl, Ortonville, Minnesota

16. Artist Dewey Albinson, Minneapolis, Minnesota

17. Astronomers Smith and Harrison, Collegeville, Minnesota

18. Banquet, Minnesota State Horticultural Society, St. Paul, Minnesota

19. Baseball team at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota

20. Baseball team, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota

21. Baseball Team, Ortonville, Minnesota

22. Baseball team, St. Cloud, Minnesota

23. Baseball team, Windom, Minnesota

24. Basketball team, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota

25. Basketball team, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota