Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Olive Street, Lot 4 and 5, Block 4 of Myrtle. Owner: Isaac Staples, Builder: Isaac Staples. Permit granted on August 10, 1889.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Main Street, Lot 1/2 4, Block 26 of Original City. Owner: E. L. Hersey, Occupant: Abe Reobeck, Plumber: Andrew Quinn. Permit granted on August 3, 1889.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, East Chestnut Street, Lot part of 1, Block 28 of Original City. Owner: John Green, Plumber: Andrew Quinn. Permit granted on August 3, 1889.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Main Street, Lot part of 4, Block 26 of Original City. Owner: John Carst, Occupant: Edward Phimsey, Plumber: Andrew Quinn. Permit granted on August 3, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Chestnut Street, Lot 32, Block 29 of Original City. Owner: Mrs. Julius Duel, Plumber: Andrew Quinn. Permit granted on August 3, 1889.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Part of Block 18 of Original Town. Owner: P. N. Peterson, Plumber: J. C. Johnston. Permit granted on December 26, 1889.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Main Street, Lot part of 4, Block 27 of Original City. Owner: John Karst, Occupant: John Karst, Plumber: Andrew Quinn. Permit granted on August 3, 1889.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Chestnut Street, Lot 5, Block 26 of Original City. Owner: Mrs. Le Drepilar, Plumber: J. C. Johnston. Permit granted on August 12, 1889.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Water Street, Lot 8, Block 28 of Original Town. Owner: Frank Borer, Occupant: Parker, Plumber: Andrew Quinn.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Third Street, Lot 8, Block 30 of Original City. Owner: Dr. B. J. Merrill, Plumber: Andrew Quinn. Permit granted on August 3, 1889.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Chestnut Street of Original City. Owner: Stillwater Transfer Company, Occupant: Minnesota Mercantile Company, Plumber: Andrew Quinn.
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, West Pine Street, Lot 8, Block 2 of Thompson, Parker and Mower. Owner: Mrs. J. H. Townshend , Plumber: Andrew Quinn. Permit granted on August 3, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Main Street, Block 18 of Original City. Owner: John McKuick, Occupant: Frank Bergland, Plumber: Andrew Quinn. Permit granted on June 1, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East Side, Sherburn Street, Lot 4, Block 5 of Gary and Slaughters. Owner: Charles Moodhy, Builder: Edward Olson. Permit granted on February 8, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North Side, Linden Street, Block 13 of Original City. Owner: Mrs. P. N. Welandes, Builder: Sven Burgland. Permit granted on February 15, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South Side, Pine Street, Lot 12, Block 40 of Original City. Owner: Mrs D. Cover, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on March 4 , 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Third Street, Lot 1, Block 36 of Original City. Owner: R. J. Welsh, Builder: August Kutz. Permit granted on March 8 , 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Owens Street, Lot 11, Block 6 of Greeley and Slaughters. Owner: George E. Munkel, Builder: George F. Roney. Permit granted on March 8, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: Main Street, Lot South 2, Block 9 of Original City. Owner: A. Murphy, Architect: S. C. and F. Company and F. Company, Builder: Sven Burgland.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South Main Street, Lot South 4, Block 29 of Original City. Owner: McSwaney, Builder: S. C. and F. Company.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Fifth Street, Lot 1, Block 2 of Churchill and Nelson. Owner: Adolf Sprich, Builder: Adolf Sprich. Permit granted on January 7, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Myrtle Street, Lots 9 and 10, Block 21 of Original City. Owner: John Boorer. Permit granted on March 19, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Second Street, N 1/2 Lot 8 So auditors plat. Owner: Nelson Petterson, Builder: Sven Berglund. Permit granted on March 28, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Laurel Street, Lot Part, Block 7 of Original City. Owner: Andrew Olson, Builder: Nels Erickson. Permit granted on April 2, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Fourth Street, Lot 18, Block 4 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: T. Le Kitty. Permit granted on April 4, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Main Street, Lots 1, Block 28 of Original City. Owner: Mrs. M. Brunswick, Builder: S. Berglund. Permit granted on March 28, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Third Street, Lot 5, Block 4 of Marshes. Owner: W. E. Northey, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 15, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Willard Street, Block 46 of Original City. Owner: L. A. Desagisch, Builder: L. A. Deragisch. Permit granted on April 15, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, South Third Street, Lot 6, Block 35 of Original City. Owner: William William, Architect: William William, Builder: William William. Permit granted on April 2, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Pine Street, Lot 8, Block 2 of Parker, Thompson and Mowers. Owner: Mrs. J. H. Tonnshand, Builder:T. Sutherland. Permit granted on April 17, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Chestnut Street, Lot 6, Block 22 of Original City. Owner: Mrs. J. L. Anderson, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted on April 18, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sixth Street, Lot 5 and 6, Block 5 of Wilsons. Owner: T. B. Yates, Builder: S. Berglund. Permit granted on April 17, 1889.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Second Street, Lot 6 and 7, Block 3 of Wilsons. Owner: Mrs. J. L. Anderson, Builder: Northey Brothers.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Aspen Street, Lot 3, Block 8 of Carli and Schulenburg. Owner: L. A. Carli. Permit granted April 26, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South First Street, Lot 10, Block 2 of Churchill, Nelson and Second. Owner: Mrs. E. Brennan. Permit granted May 1, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Stillwaters Avenue, Lot 19, Block 5 of Willems. Owner: Al Andersen, Builder: M Nelson. Permit granted May 3, 1889
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side, Sycamore Street, Lot 3, Block 3 of Wilkins. Owner: Alex Hoppe, Builder: W. Bieging. Permit granted May 9, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Mulberry Street, Lot 7-8 and 9, Block 16 of Original City. Owner: Mrs. Thompson, Architect: T. Sutherland, Builder: T. Sutherland. Permit granted May 16, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, North Third Street, Block 7 of Original City. Owner: Mrs. A. Botting, Builder: Mrs. A. Bolling. Permit granted May 16, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South Fourth Street, Lot 19, Block 4 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: T. Le. Killz, Builder: Kautz.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, North First Street, Lot S 1/2 of 2, Block 9 of Carlie and Schulenburg. Owner: Rudolph Lange, Builder: Rudolph Lange. Permit granted May 16, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: North side, Wilkins Street, Lot 25 and 26, Block 7 of Wilkins. Owner: Callegan, Builder: M. Nielson. Permit granted May 20, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, North Second Street, Lot 5, Block 14 of Carlie and Schulenburg. Owner: Michael Klatt, Builder: Michael Klatt. Permit granted May 12, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: East side, Fourth Street, Lot 10-11, Block 13 of Burlington and Dubuque Hersey and Staples.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sherburn Street, Lot 5, Block 3 of Greeley and Slaughters. Owner: Herman A. Larke, Builder: Herman A. Larke. Permit granted May 16, 1889
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Sixth Avenue, Lot 11 and 12, Block 2 of Churchill, Nelson and Second. Owner: All Urbankes, Builder: T. Sutherland. Permit granted May 20, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, South Third Street of Marshes. Owner: M. Donavan, Builder: Northey Brothers. Permit granted May 23, 1889
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West Myrtle Street, Lot 12 and 13, Block 5 of Greeley and Slaughters. Owner: A. T. King, Builder: Northey Brothers.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: South side of Olive Street, Lot 1-2 and 3, Block 2 of Wilson. Owner: Samuel Matthius, Builder: Northey Brothers.
Office of the Building Official, City of Stillwater, Minnesota
Date Created:
Building permit issued for the city of Stillwater, Minnesota. Location: West side, Second Street, Lot 7, Block 3 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters. Owner: Ed. O'Brine, Builder: S. C. and F. Company and F. Company. Permit granted June 11, 1889