Two women, one man, and two boys with horse and buggy in front of a house. Note on back of photo says,""Grandma Pierce Alice, Grandad Pierce Merritt, Frank, George, Lillian. This house is down by Bill Phelps, Good Thunder, Mn."
Exterior view of the Schilz house, built in Minnesota territorial days (1860) has since been remolded. Present location (as of 2003) is 205 East Main Street. Front has open porch with four support posts - embellishments on upper end of posts. Tall tree on left edge of frame.
Parsons King Johnson home and family; note reads, "Lot 3, Johnson, Parsons King Home, c1865. Built in 1857, corner of Front and Hickory. M/M Johnson with children, L-R, Frank Johnson, (baby) Clarence Johnson, Charles Johnson, Julia McFadden Johnson."
The exterior of the Center Block Building in Gateway Park which was the location of the first Minneapolis Young Men's Christian Association rooms as of 1866.
Contributing Institution:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Kautz Family YMCA Archives